The Joyride: Life Is What You Make Of It

Life's a road trip, and you're the DJ with a wild playlist. Windows down. And if you have hair, let it flow in the wind!

Forget dusty maps and boring guidebooks, this life adventure is all about YOU. Ditch the pre-planned routes and grab the wheel! Want to cruise slow, soaking in the sunset hues? Hit the scenic bypass. Feel the need for speed? Floor it through the twists and turns, hair flying like a rebel flag.

This journey's yours to customize. Solo trek through hidden valleys? Cool. Rally your tribe for a laughter-fueled caravan? Awesome. You pick the crew (or fly solo, no judgment here).

And guess what? You control the music! Blast your inner rockstar with adrenaline-pumping anthems. Need a mellow groove? Put on the soul-soothing tunes. This is your soundtrack, your rhythm to the ride.

But hey, detours are welcome too. Get lost in a charming side street, stumble upon a hidden gem. Life's not about reaching a finish line, it's about the pit stops, the unexpected turns, the moments that make you scream "YOLO!"

And if the road gets bumpy? No worries. You're the mechanic, the navigator, the pit crew all rolled into one. Got a flat tire? Patch it up. Engine sputtering? Pop the hood and tinker. Life's a DIY project, and you're the master builder.

So, dust off your dreams, map out your own course, and crank up the music. This is your journey, your adventure, your wild ride. Remember, the only rule is there are no rules. Now, hit the gas and let's make this life road trip epic!

Life's a Costume Party: Dress Up Your Reactions!

Picture this: You're at a party, but it's not just any party, it's a costume party where the dress code is "Who you want to be." You could be a fearless astronaut, a witty comedian, or even a walking meme. The best part? You get to choose your outfit every single day.

That's right, my friend, every moment is a chance to design your own reaction to the drama unfolding around you. No more blaming the waiter for ruining your soufflé or your boss for turning your life into a PowerPoint presentation. You hold the remote control to your feelings, and it's time to hit "fun" instead of "explode."

Those who say "You make me mad!" are just stuck in the costume aisle, whining about the itchy sweaters. Newsflash: you can always change the sweater (or, in this case, your reaction). And those who claim they're helpless victims of circumstance? They're just clinging to the "I'm a grumpy ogre, deal with it" costume. But guess what? You can ditch the ogre and rock a sparkling unicorn outfit instead!

So, imagine if you woke up today knowing you were the director of your own emotional rollercoaster. Would you still yell at the cat for barfing on your yoga mat? Would you still let your coworker's passive-aggressive emails turn your day into a grey cloud? Heck no! You'd be too busy strutting your stuff in your "calm and collected" outfit, sipping tea with the Dalai Lama (or at least your favorite gossip buddy).

Remember, life is a costume party, and you're the star designer. So ditch the boring beige and embrace the rainbow sequins! Choose to be the person who laughs at traffic jams, compliments strangers' shoes, and turns every awkward silence into a hilarious improv show. Because when you take control of your reactions, you become the most fabulous, fun-loving version of yourself. Now go forth and shine, you glorious costume-wearing soul!

Bonus tips for extra fun:

  • Give your reactions nicknames: "The sassy side-eye" or "the master of the deadpan stare" add a touch of playful absurdity.

  • Channel your inner superhero: Imagine Wonder Woman deflecting insults with her bracelets or Captain America facing down deadlines with a stoic grin.

  • Make a playlist for your "fun you" persona: Upbeat tunes with a sprinkle of sass to fuel your inner party animal.

Remember, life's too short for boring reactions. So go forth, be the life of the party, and show the world your most fun-tastic self!

Failure: Friend, Not Foe (and Maybe a Little Foe, But Mostly Friend)

Forget "Failure Doesn't Have To Be Fatal," that sounds like a safety pamphlet for roller coasters. Let's talk about failure as a confetti explosion of life lessons, a trampoline to bounce higher, and a dance partner who might occasionally trip you but always teaches you a killer move.

Think of it like this: you're a cosmic bowling ball, rolling down the lane of life. You throw your best shot, aiming for a strike. Sometimes, you hit the pins and everyone cheers. Boom! Success! But sometimes, the ball veers off, takes a wild turn, and hits the gutter with a satisfyingly dramatic thud. That's failure, baby. But hey, at least it's not boring!

Here's the thing: failure isn't a big, scary monster under your bed. It's just feedback. It's the universe saying, "Hold on, Sparky, let's tweak that aim a bit." It's like your personal life coach, constantly whispering, "Nope, not that way, try this!"

So, instead of seeing failure as a fatal blow, let's rebrand it as a freaking epic learning opportunity. It's the chance to dust yourself off, analyze the gutter ball, and figure out how to throw a curveball next time. It's the chance to laugh at yourself, because let's be honest, we've all gutter-balled in life.

Remember, everyone fails. Even the most successful people tripped over their shoelaces a few (hundred) times before they learned to walk in stilettos. So, don't let failure be your kryptonite. Embrace it, learn from it, and use it as fuel to launch yourself to the next level. Because failure isn't the end, it's just the beginning of the most awesome comeback story ever.

So, next time you face a little (or big) failure, remember:

  • It's not the end, it's a plot twist.

  • It's not a sign you're a loser, it's a sign you're trying.

  • It's not a reason to cry, it's a reason to dance (the gutterball shuffle, of course).

Go forth and fail fabulously, friend! The universe is waiting for your epic comeback story.

P.S. If you need a confetti-throwing cheerleader, I'm here for you.

What I Learned About Life While Cooking Turkey

This is a special repost of an article that I wrote 10 years ago when my Thanksgiving cooking partner was 13 and I was a young 33 (well, maybe the math is a bit off for my age, but only my mom knows how old I really am!). Enjoy the memories with me.

We are typically a very healthy family—at least currently (though this was not always the case). So with the rarity of snowfall in Charlotte, four of the six of us were sick on Thanksgiving. My 13 year old daughter, Kayla, and I were the only two who were healthy. That meant that I would be the designated chef for Thanksgiving. The problem was that I do not cook—at least not often, and certainly not a meal of Thanksgiving calibur.

I tried to get out of it.

"Why don't we just move Thanksgiving to Sunday?" I asked. "By then everyone will feel better." Nope. I lost that battle. Regardless of how sick anyone was, we were having the Thanksgiving meal on Thanksgiving! Apparently holidays cannot be moved. And my ulterior motive of getting out of cooking by myself was thwarted.

So at 10am I got the bird out of the refrigerator and began searching for the cooking instructions. Apparently these turkeys take a long time to cook (5 hours according to my calculations at the time) and use up the entire oven. Our kitchen counters were covered with boxes, jars, and bags of food. I start looking at all of the other items that I was supposed to have prepared: mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, green bean casserole, gravy, stuffing, bread, and the list went on….

And then the wonderful happened.

Kayla came downstairs. She began putting on her apron and asked, "How can I help you?" Wow. What a wonderful question. And by the apron I could tell she was not just asking in order to be polite on Thanksgiving. She really wanted to help. She was excited to help. And was prepared to help. My first thought was to see if she could convince her mother to change the holiday since I had failed in my attempt. But Kayla talked some sense into me. (Her 13 year old wisdom often beats my 40 something year old wisdom.) We saw that there was a great opportunity for us—an opportunity to learn and to serve. However, I had no idea where to begin. The thought of cooking the entire meal was completely overwhelming to me.

We had to get organized.

I asked Kayla to get a pad of paper and a pen. We needed to write all of this down and get the meal organized. We began looking for instructions, ingredients, cooking times, and cooking locations (oven, stovetop, or crockpot). We set our desired finish time for 4pm and then worked backward considering how long each item would take to prepare. We realized that since the turkey was the biggest item and would take the longest to cook that we had to get that going first. And once we got the bird cooking we could then shift our focus to the other items and prioritize them in the same way.

Turkey time!

The turkey did cook faster than I had calculated (so much for 15lbs at 325 = 5hrs). Thankfully I had read an article in the newspaper that stated what to do if the turkey finished early. So I covered it with aluminum foil and kept it on the stovetop to keep it warm. And since we had our prioritized list we knew exactly which items to focus on next. Given our novice cooking abilities, we did not have everything ready by 4pm. We were close. Only an hour off. Not bad at all for first-timers. The food actually turned out pretty good. And plenty of leftovers—we did completely overestimate how much everyone would eat (apparently my wife and my three boys do not eat very much when they are not feeling well).

What I learned.

Aside from having a great time of father/daughter bonding, I learned some wonderful life lessons.

Make a list.

When you feel overwhelmed with a task, make a list of the various parts of the task. Break it down. This will help define the task into manageable segments. You will feel much better once you know exactly what you are dealing with.

Prioritize the list.

Once you have the list, prioritize it based upon importance. If you have one item (like a 15lbs turkey) that is central to your overall success, you need to work on that first.

Have a contingency plan.

It has been said that planning is indispensable, but plans are worthless. The end result is almost always different than planned, but it is process of planning that enables you to have a great result in the first place—even if that result is different than originally intended. You have to know that your calculations might not be correct (some turkeys apparently cook faster than others). Be prepared for changes that you might have to make along the way. Have a "Plan B" and perhaps a "Plan C" ready to go just in case.

Show up with your apron on.

This was by far the best lesson of all. There is the classic, "Let me know if you need any help" offer that we make to others. Which is, of course, our way of saying, "I am just being nice, but I really do not want to help you and I hope that you will not ask me." We all do this from time to time. We don't want to be bothered by others and their needs. However, this is completely insincere. Take a lesson from a 13 year old and do what my daughter did. Don't just "offer" to help—actually get in and help. Show up with your apron on: ready, able, and excited to help! This will transform both you and the person in need.

I do hope that you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday.

A Short Guide To Taming Your Inner Perfectionist

Trying to get something “perfect” or waiting for the “perfect time” is often a pattern we fall into that keeps us stuck. To avoid that fate, try these 4 tips:

First, keep the BIG PICTURE in mind. You’ve got to stop trying to plan for everything and obsessing over every detail. Handle issues as they arise and make decisions based upon the current information that you have. Don't paralyze yourself by worrying about things that might not happen. You can’t really plan for or anticipate everything that could come up. Whatever you are about to do, make it the best you possibly can with your current ability and then do it, launch it, ship it, send it, or whatever step is needed. And then get ready for tip number two.

Second, WELCOME FEEDBACK. Once you’ve done it, launched it, or whatever, ask a trusted friend for feedback and check in with yourself, too. Here’s a personal example. My guitar teacher wants daily videos from me to document my progress. But my tendency is to try to make them “perfect” before sending them. This is actually defeating the purpose of the video interaction. The point of the videos is to do my best on whatever lesson I’m working on, shoot the short video, and hit send. I’ll get feedback that is usually in the form of, “Great job sending the video and I see progress, what I want you to pay attention to on the next video is…..” And with that I can improve and move on to the third tip.

Third, set DEADLINES and stick to them. Do the best you can in the time you have allowed yourself. If you are always giving yourself an “out” on your deadline you are not honoring your commitment to yourself (or the other person if someone else is waiting on you) and you are just staying in this cycle of being stuck. This is usually because you need to deal with tip number four.

Fourth, deal with the FEAR. Too often we are afraid to repeat some past mistake or error (as we see it). But you’ve got to remember that any past mistake or error is actually a learning experience. You’ve got information on what didn’t work so that you can make a change in your process and figure out what will work. The past will only repeat itself if you do it the same way as before. So don’t do that unless you liked the past result. Learn from the mistake and take corrective action, but don't allow the mistake to cause non-action.

Don't let perfectionism keep you from making progress on your goals. Now go finish a goal that you’ve been trying to make perfect.

A Mini Manifesto: Are You Really Living Your Life?

Most people don’t really live.

Taking what’s given to them, accepting the status quo, and just plodding along with life. Doing what everyone else is doing. Living like everyone else is living. All without giving much thought to who they truly are, what they really believe, or what they really want out of their life.

Living like this comes at a cost. Anger, fear, and blame fill up their lives. They are trapped by their own negative thoughts and emotions. Their limiting beliefs keep them stuck, stuck, stuck. They won’t move forward and get on with their lives because they are constantly held back by their past. They are not as happy, fulfilled, or as emotionally satisfied with their life as they could be. Their home and professional life is not very productive, exciting, or fulfilling.

One huge life-sized serving of blah!

Contrast that with the person who truly lives their life.

Fully expressing their truest self in all that you are and in all that you do. Their style, strengths, and gifts are all fearlessly expressed. They are not living as a copy of someone else. They are living as an original. There is only one of them in the world, and they shine effortlessly.

Living like this creates change. Powerful. Positive. "Good to the last drop" type of change. 

Happy and unafraid they take responsibility for their choices. They seek to break free from negativity and choose to have beliefs that support them. They are living their natural rhythm, beliefs, values, and preferences. They are living holistically. They are aware of the interplay between their soul, body, emotions, and mind. Who they are at their core, what they do, and how they do life are all in harmony. They are living their truth and it is setting them free.

Personally, for too long, I was very stuck living a life that was not a true reflection of myself. I was so afraid to admit it. Afraid of being judged by others. But a few crises here and there. A bit of resolve on my part. I took some risks. I’ve made some progress toward living a happier and more fulfilling life.

How are you living your life?

Insights Into Getting Older

There are a myriad of "You know you're getting older when…." jokes.

"You know you're getting older when...all of your favorite music can be found in the bargain bin at Walmart."

Or "You know you're getting older when...a 'late night' is 11pm."

Or "You know you're getting older have a birthday party and your neighbors don't even realize it."

And I would add: "You know you're getting older when...on your birthday you spend most of the day reflecting upon your life." 

Am I the only one who does this?

As I celebrate another half-birthday today (and yes, there is still plenty of time to wish me a very happy half-birthday!), here is my insight: A half-birthday is a great day to look back over, not just the previous year, but all of your years, and ask yourself: "How can I invest my past into my future?"

Think of how awesome it is to take all of your lessons, triumphs, and wisdom gained in  your previous years and use them as a platform on which to grow into your next year of life. You take all of those life experiences, all of who you are up to this point, and make the next year even better!

By doing this, you are able to compound your past into your future. THIS is your gift. Make it a great and wonderful one. A gift not just for yourself, but a gift for others as well.

So, as you celebrate your birthday and half-birthday this year, blow out those candles and excitedly proclaim, "My life is a GREAT investment!!!" (This is what I'll be doing!)

Leave the wishing aside and create an extraordinary year.  

Fake News: It's All In Your Head

Fidget Spinner explodes in boy’s hands! Mom claims son generated too much power from constant spinning. “There should be a warning on these things!” she says.

Baby switched with Hatchimal at hospital. Parents unaware until it hatches and does not look like them! “We are devastated!” says the would-be dad.

Marketing companies are now using cell phone signals to manipulate brain waves — causing consumers to buy non-essential products! “We must have answers. We’ll get right on this as soon as we finish shopping!” states FCC spokesperson.

Do you believe these stories?

Probably not. I sure hope not. Of course, I made the stories up. (Though the amount of energy my kids can generate with their fidget spinners makes me wonder if this one could actually be true!)

You do, however, believe in other fake news. And I’m not talking about National Enquirer type stuff. Or how Trump is really Putin in disguise (you’ve never seen the two of them together have you?). Or how Clinton intentionally lost her election so that SNL would have better political material (she’s on NBC’s payroll you know!).

I’m talking about the trash in your head. The fake news that resides between your ears.

The news that says:

“Abandoned and Lost: You have no true friends and if you did they'd leave you, too!”

“Failure, Failure, Failure: At least you’re good at that!”

“Success: All you're capable of is the ‘suck’ part!”

We believe in fake news all the time — it's exactly how fear shows up in our lives. A nice little story with a crafty headline that plays right into our doubts and worries.

You don't have to believe everything you read (or hear in your head).

What fake news is in your head? These stories can be re-written.

You can write the headlines that you want to read about for your life. You can craft the stories that you want to live.

Seriously. Take out a piece of paper. Open up a blank doc file on your computer. Write the headline that you want for your life. Write a short paragraph that inspires you.

The more that you do this, the more you’ll retrain your editor (your brain) to give you the content you want. The new content then becomes the stories for the new life you'll be soon living. 

Go write an inspirational headline and start working on the amazing content!

The Future Of Fear

All fear is in the future. That's where it hangs out.

Fear lives somewhere a few seconds from now, a week from now, a year from now, a “some day” from now in an “alternate time trajectory” and has just stopped by for a little visit. (The Flash fans will get this.)

Fear represents a "possible future” a “possible reality.”

Yes, in the future you could lose your job, your leg, your money, your house, your reputation, or your keys! Yes, the Zombie Apocalypse could start tomorrow at 9am! Yes, there could be a snake in your lurking in your toilet ready to bite your ass!

Anything that you fear could happen.

And yet...

As you read this, you are fine.

Nothing bad is happening to you right now. If it was, you wouldn’t be reading this  — you’d be looking for your keys, fighting off the Zombies, or trying to catch that snake!

Fear is not the thing. Fear is the possibility of the thing.  

Fear is not real. It is not tangible. It is not a thing that you can touch. Fear does, however, feel real — very real in fact. 

But fear is just a feeling. A feeling of worry in the presence of the unknown. A feeling like all other feelings.

"What will I do if I can't find my keys?" "How will I survive if the Zombies eat my brains?" "How will I get to the hospital if the snake bites me?"

Fear is negative thought-energy projected into the future returning to visit you now. And if you can feel fear, you can feel anything else that you want to in its place.

Don’t miss that last line! If you can feel fear, you can feel anything else that you want to in its place.

You can choose to project positive thought-energy into the your future and feel excitement, joy, or hope now, instead of fear.

"I will find my keys. I'll ask the kids to help!" "I'll prepare for the Zombie attack by reading Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse for Dummies. I hear that it's a great book!" "If the snake bites me I'll just call 911. I'm sure that they handle snake stuff all the time!" 

Who do you want to visit you from your future? It's your choice. 

Can You Hear Me Now? Hard Conversations Made (a little) Easier

Hard conversations. We do not want to have them. We avoid them. We hope that the issue and the person causing the issue will just go away. That would be easier, we tell ourselves.

Hard conversations suck

Hard conversations suck because in order to have them we have to be vulnerable. We have to expose ourselves a bit. We have to own up to the fact that we are not happy with a particular issue or person. And in doing so there is risk. And risk, we tell ourselves, sucks big time!

Risk of being yelled at, laughed at, dismissed, misunderstood, or completely rejected. When these things happen we feel unheard. We feel unimportant.

We so desperately want to be heard; we want to matter. Even if we are not agreed with. “Please, just listen to me. Please, care” is our plea.

To be heard, you need to have a “pre-conversation” with yourself

I know that this may sound a bit silly, but you’ve got to find a way to get head and heart clarity. Ask yourself, “What’s going on inside of me?” “What do I wish was different?” “What is the real issue?”

That last question is the most important one to ask yourself. Until you can figure out the real issue, your lack of clarity is just going to cause more confusion and pain. Let me repeat: Your lack of clarity is just going to cause more confusion and pain. 

Let's say that your issue is related to your compensation. You feel that you are worth more than what you are receiving at work. And perhaps because of that you are resentful and you're allowing your work to suffer due to your resentment. The real issue may be that you know you're in the wrong career, want to start your own business, and are afraid to let your current gig go. Getting clarity like this will help you have the right conversation with your boss — not one about a raise, but rather one about your resignation.

And here's a real-life example. I remember a time when my relationship with my 4 kids had gotten a bit strained. Some difficult stuff has been going on for me personally, and I was letting it affect how I was interacting with them. I was becoming, “Bad Dad.” The real issue was that I did not know exactly how to have a, “I’m really hurting and I’m sure you are too” type of conversation with them. I was actually afraid that my kids would reject me. That was my real issue. I was afraid of being rejected and thus hurting even more.

To be heard, you need to let go of negative emotions

If you want a productive result from the conversation, holding onto destructive emotions will not help you get there. Let go of these as much as you can.

There are various methods that you can employ to do this. Two that I use are: “Name It, Claim It, and Shred It” and “Send It On Its Way.”

To “Name It, Claim It, and Shred It” take a piece of plain paper and write down the destructive emotion that you are feeling. Write it down in a way that affirms your responsibility for your emotion. If you are upset because of what someone said to you, you might write: “I am choosing to feel angry at my friend for calling me an idiot fathead.”

Eleanor Roosevelt famously stated, "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." Your emotions are your emotions. No one can make you feel anything without your consent. Whatever you are feeling is yours. It’s your emotion and your choice to have it and hold on to it. Own your emotions. 

Then write on your sheet of paper, “I forgive myself for my anger. I choose to let it go.” Put the paper in the shredder (or tear it up if you are shredder-less) and literally let it go into hundreds of little pieces. 

To “Send It On Its Way” find a comfortable and quiet place to sit. Close your eyes. Picture yourself sitting in front of a gentle river. Take several deep breaths. As you breathe deeply scan your body for where the emotion is residing. Picture the emotion leaving your body, landing in the river, and gently floating away.

With our example of the career issue, you may choose to take the “Name It, Claim It, and Shred It” method. Take out that piece of paper and a sharp pencil and write, “I am choosing to be mad at my boss for not paying me more. I am choosing to be angry at myself for continuing in a job I hate and not having the cojones to leap into photography — the career I know I’d love!” Then you write, “I forgive myself for my anger. I choose to let my anger go.” And then shred it! You're done with the anger. It's gone. 

Before I talked with my kids, I turned off the light in my home office, turned off my phone and laptop, and sat on the floor. I breathed deeply for about a minute. As I scanned my body I found frustration in my head and fear in my heart. I expected to find the fear, but the frustration surprised me. Until doing this exercise I had not realized that I was frustrated for feeling like I had to deal with this issue. I pictured myself gently removing the frustration from my head. The frustration looked like a tennis ball-sized brown marble. I set it in the crystal blue waters of the river and watched it float away. Next, I pictured myself reaching into my chest and pulling out a similarly-sized dull yellow marble of fear. That too, went in the river. I calmly sat on the riverbank and watched it float away. When both balls of frustration and fear where out of sight, I took a couple deep breaths, gently opened my eyes, stood up and went to find my kids.

To be heard, you need to let go of expectations beyond your control

Easier said than done, I know. It's worth trying, however.

You’ve decided to have that hard conversation, you’ve figured out what the real issue is, and you’ve let go of any destructive emotions. Now you need to settle into the fact that you can only control how you speak, what you say, and what you feel. The person (or people) you need to talk to are outside of your control.

We’d all love it if our hard conversations ended with the exact best possible outcome. This, of course, doesn't always happen.

As you talk, focus on what you're saying and how you're saying it. Control your words and your emotions. That is all you can do. Do not try to control how anyone else reacts. This will not go well. At all. 

Back to our career example. You have the conversation with your boss. You talk openly and honestly. You tell your boss about your love for all things photographic. You are fully ready to turn in your resignation. You are ready to leap into the crazy world of self-employment. Your boss may surprise you and say that she’d love to keep you on part-time until you have your new business up and running. She may also say that she has some great contacts for you and your new business adventure. You never know. And you won't know until you have the conversation. 

And now back to me. As I talked with my kids, I sought to be as clear as possible (which meant repeating myself a few times — for some reason I think that repetition brings clarity. . . it doesn’t). I told them of my hurt and how I was unfortunately letting it affect my relationship with them. I was truly sorry for this. I do want to be the best dad that I can possible be for them, so I asked them for help. I asked them about their hurt, too. We all felt heard. We all felt more cared for.

I’m glad that I did not avoid the conversation. It was hard. But it was a good type of hard.

Try these steps the next time you need to have a hard conversation. You will feel heard, and that is the goal. 

Are You The Victim Of Identity Theft?

Identity theft is a silent stalker

Most people never hear it coming. It is so subtle, so sly, so sneaky. It numbs you to your true passions and true purpose. It slowly casts its shadow over your soul.

It gradually causes you to live what other people want from your life, rather than what you truly want. An attitude of apathy begins to run through your veins. A cloud of dullness takes over your outlook on life.

You forget what you wanted in this life. 

Identity theft is real

Most victims realize the severity of their situation when they begin to ask themselves questions like: “How did I end up in this job?” “Why am still with this person?” “What am I doing living this life?”

Identity theft is the number one reason that people, while on their deathbeds, look back upon their lives with regret — having forgotten their dreams, desires, and even their personal dignity. You regret where you are in this life. 

Identity theft is not permanent

If you believe that you have been the victim of identity theft, you can have your identity restored. Your passion, your purpose, and your life can be yours again. You can recapture your true identity.

Identity theft does not have to steal any more from your life. You can put a stop to it if you want to.

But (And this is a VERY BIG BUT) you have to stop allowing identity theft to wreck your life. It will not go away on its own.

Only you can stop the theft of your identity. Only you can restore your identity. 

You now direct who you will be in this life.

Authenticity And Being Liked

When we talk about “authenticity” we are referring to the ability to be, act, and speak as one is naturally, honestly, and easily.

“Being liked” refers to how other people see you and respond to who you are, how you act, and what you say.

We all struggle (some people more so than others) to share and showcase our authentic selves. Why do we struggle? There are many reasons for sure. I know why I struggle with it at times.

I struggle with sharing my authentic self because I am worried whether or not people will like me as I am. Perhaps this is how you feel too?

We sometimes fool ourselves by thinking (and saying), “I don’t care what others think of me!” You are human, you do care. How you let the opinions of others affect you is really what the issue is.

To say that we do not want to be liked is to lie to ourselves. To say that it's enough if we just love ourselves is also not true. We all want to be loved by others. This is part of being human.

Being fully authentic has not been easy for me. I think in large part due to an assumption that will not be liked if I am authentic. So then what option is there? Be inauthentic and hope that by presenting a false self, that this gets someone to like me? This is fake and manipulative.

This is exactly what happens when you are “trying to be liked.” You are trying and therefore, by definition, not being authentic.

Our struggle in this area comes down to our emotional attachment to ourselves. We like ourselves (at least I hope that you like yourself) and we want others to like us, too.

Yes, to show up as your true self may very well repel some people from you. You may get “unfriended.” That’s ok. Do it anyway. Authenticity is like a magnet. It forces some people away from you, and pulls others toward you.

Be, act, and speak as you are naturally, honestly, and easily. Your authenticity will attract plenty of “likes.”

P.S. And please like my page, because that will just make me feel better

Stay Away: 5 People Who Will Suck The Success Right Out Of You

So you want to be successful? Great.

Be careful then, very careful, who you hang out with.

You will have to limit spending time with certain people. And before you get all, “But that so rude to avoid certain people. I don’t want to be seen as a snob!”

Your energy around how you avoid certain people is key. Just like it is key with any choice that you are making.

If you want to have a healthy body you avoid drinking soda. When offered a soda, you can arrogantly reply, “NO, I don’t DRINK soda because I CARE about MY body!” or you can politely say, “No thank you, I’d love a glass of water, please.”

Success Suckers To Avoid

1. The Fussers

Fussers are people who are always complaining about how bad their life, job, sandwich, car, house, spouse, friends, pens, or whatever is. They constantly whine about everything. They have the emotional intelligence of a two-year old who throws temper tantrums on the grocery store floor. They fuss but never do anything to change their situation.

Why avoid The Fussers? Pessimism is contagious. Fussers infect you with their negativity.

2. The Royals

Not the baseball team. These are people who feel like they are entitled to certain things in life. Things like not having to work for anything, not cleaning up after themselves, not taking responsibility, not helping out, and not saying “Please” and “Thank you.” And they love to make you feel like you owe them something just for the privilege of hanging out with them.

Why avoid The Royals? Know this: You, or anyone else, are not entitled to anything. If you want a successful life, you have to create it.

3. The Conformers

Conformers are the most popular of all. They are the ones who conform any limits set on them  — whether by others (a spouse, a boss, or a culture) or by themselves (their own self-limiting beliefs). They do not have any dreams they are chasing after. They are staunch defenders of the status quo. They are simply living like robots—waking up grumpy, watching TV, putting in their 8 hours at a job they hate, going home, eating crap, watching more TV, sleeping poorly, and doing it all over again mañana.

Why avoid The Conformers? A person who is following their dreams simply cannot conform to the average life. They will do everything in their power to keep you from changing.

4. The Escapers

They’re the ones who are planning Happy Hour seven days a week. They long to just get through the workday and workweek so that they can go out and have fun — anything to relieve the pressure of their life. Yes, it is great to have fun. But these people are doing it for all the wrong reasons. They will distract you from your dreams with “Come on, one more round!”

Why avoid The Escapers? They have no vision beyond easing their pain and are more than happy to have you along for their bumpy, drunken ride.

5. The Doubters

Doubters can be downers. They may listen to your big dreams, but will be the first ones to tell you they don’t think it is a good idea, not to get your hopes up, or to kindly point out all of the ways that whatever grand plans you have can (and probably) will end in failure. They are the ones who believe you have to already “be somebody” in order to do something extravagant.

Why avoid The Doubters? They’ll cause you to question your dreams because they have none.

Remember, you always have a choice who you spend your time with. Yes, leaving a job, a relationship, a church, or a neighborhood, in order to avoid these people won’t be easy. It will, however, keep your success from being sucked right out of you.

The Big Bang: Decision Is The Spark That Gets You Out Of The Dark

“Once you make a decision, the Universe conspires to make it happen.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

All creation first starts with a decision. A decision to do, to engage, to change. To throw some paint on a blank canvas. To shake things up a bit!

Decision is the catalyst to creation. Once a decision has been made, the energy necessary to make it happen begins to move in the direction of that decision. The decision draws in all things necessary for that decision to become a reality. 

It’s like God walking around in the darkness, not being able to find a flashlight, and deciding to just create a big one himself.

“Can we get some light around here? Lot’s of light! And throw in some galaxies, too for good measure!”

Most people remain stuck in the darkness. Unsure. Undecided. Unmoved.

Decision tells the Universe (which in turn tells your ass) to get moving. We’re gettin’ off the couch! We’re going somewhere! We’re going to make something happen!

But you’ve got to decide. You’ve got to choose. You've got to move.

If you find yourself a bit stuck right now — perhaps unsure of what to do with a relationship, how to get out of debt, how to handle a particular work project, or how to kick a bad habit — make a decision that will move you forward. 

Try this trick.

Take whatever you are stuck in/with/on and write down at least 5 possible things you could do to get yourself unstuck. Look at the list. Pick one. Do it.

I was working with a coaching client who is a drapery seamstress. She got stuck on a project. Her customer wanted some special drape thingy that was a bit complicated. My client knew she could do it, but she had not done that particular pattern before. She wasn’t sure how to do it or even where to begin. My client was spinning around in stuckness.

We did this exercise and she came up with 5 possible ways to get unstuck. The one she chose to do first was, “Go the the library and look for a specialized drapery book to get some ideas.”

She went to the library. Found a couple books.

She started flipping through one of the books and miracle of all miracles, right there on the glossy page she saw the exact pattern and process that she needed. New fancy drapes. Check! Happy customer. Check!

What is interesting about this drapery drama is that until my client went through the exercise she only saw one option: spend hours in her studio experimenting. And that option was so unappealing to her that she remained stuck in the space of, “I don’t know what to do. . .”

What's got you stuck?

Make your list. Decide on one. Do it. 

Start moving. Re-evaluate as necessary.  

You’ll soon see the light!

Are You In Love With Mondays?

It’s Monday! (It was when I wrote this...if today is not Monday, just pretend.)

Does this excite you? 😀

Or are you already mad that I just reminded you that, yes, today is Monday? 😡

Most people (about 80%) are not excited about their career. When asked the question, “Do you like what you do each day?” only 20% of people can honestly say, “yes!”

A fundamental part of being human is activity. We all want something to do with our lives. We all want something to look forward to each and every day when that alarm clock goes off.

The majority spend their days toiling at work that brings them little or no pleasure.


In all of the coaching and counseling that I’ve done over the years, I see that it comes down to this: Most people believe that work is supposed to be a miserable mess of thorns, thistles, toil, and torture.

I’ve had plenty of conversations with people who told me, “Work is not supposed to be fun, that’s why it’s called work!”

And because they believe this about work, they reap exactly what they believe.

Your level of satisfaction with your career has a huge impact upon your overall life satisfaction. Studies show that if you are not regularly doing something you enjoy, the odds of you having great satisfaction in other areas of your life diminish severely.

You may make a lot of money, have great physical health, and have fabulous relationships, however, if you don’t find enjoyment in what you do every day this will negatively impact those areas. You’ll be constantly dissatisfied with your compensation and think you are being mistreated. Your stress levels will increase which will lead to illness and disease. And you’ll spend your time with those wonderful relationships mostly complaining about your work. Fun, right?

Are you in the Monday Minority or the Monday Majority?

If you are in the Monday Minority and love your work, great! Keep it up. Please let others know that work can be fun and enjoyable. If you can do it, so can they.

If you are in the Monday Majority and are dissatisfied with your work, it’s time to do some soul searching.

What is your lack of career enjoyment costing you? Why are you continuing to work in a job that is less than ideal for you? What would you love to do? What steps can you take today to move into a career that is enjoyable?

Your answers to those questions will help you show Mondays some much needed love! 😍

Moving Out Of Stuckville

Stuckville is that emotional place where you feel like you have no options. That you are stuck with what you have. That there is nothing you can do about it. That you are forced into a corner with nowhere to go. No way out.

The effect of feeling this way causes limitations in your life. If you think that there are no options, that there is no way out, then you won’t look for solutions. It's a trick. It's a trap. You'll take up permanent residency in Stuckville. 

Stuckville really is not all that nice of a place to live. However, it seems to be a very hot real estate market right now. Ton's of buyers! Very few sellers! 

Life, death, and drugs

In my wayward youthful days of being an aspiring drug-runner, my friend Brian and I drove to Stockton, CA. About an hour or so from where we lived in the Sierra Nevada mountains. We drove to the "big city” in order to find some cheap pot.

The goal was buy cheap, get high, and sell higher.

We ended up getting robbed. 

A “Marijuana Sales Rep” approached my car to show us his merchandise (or so we thought). He looked like such a reputable salesman. Rather than discuss the deal of the day with us, he decided to jump into my car through the open window, and try to rip the cash out of Brian’s pockets. I freaked out and hit the gas! 

The sales rep stated, matter of factly, “Stop the car. Give me your money or my boys will shoot!” I stopped. We were robbed. His boys didn’t shoot.

Even in a “life, death, and drugs” situation like that, I still had a choice. I wasn't stuck. I chose to stop the car, hand over the money, and drive away bullet free! 

99.99% of the time I am not in that type of situation where choices feel extremely limited and neither are you (thankfully!). So let’s deal with some typical life scenarios.

Life in Stuckville

This is how I usually hear about "Life in Stuckville" from my clients. Maybe you've heard (or said) similar things?

“I hate my job. I have to go to work. What can I do about it? I need my job, I’ve got all of these bills!”

“My spouse is always negative and treats me poorly. I’ve asked him to change, but he won’t listen to me. I’m not sure what I’d do without him? I guess I’m just stuck with the jerk.”

“Every time my mom calls, she nags me about my life. I hate this, but I just have to put up with it. She is my mom.”  

Living in Stuckville is a choice

Do you have to work? Nope! Do you have to pay your bills? Nope! I highly doubt that you are being forced to work. The same door that let you into your place of employment will let you out. You are not being forced to pay your bills. You can walk away from them. Yes, your lights and water might get turned off. Yes, you may lose your house. Those are just consequences of not paying. You are not stuck. You always have a choice.

Do you have to stay in a difficult relationship? Nope! Not even with a spouse. People either go to counseling to try to work things out, find some workable solution, or decide to move on. The choice might not be easy, but feeling stuck and without a choice is not a lot of fun either! You are not stuck. You always have a choice.

Do you have to talk to your mom? Nope! You are not a horrible person if you don’t want to speak with someone who always nags you — even if it is your mother. You can choose to set up boundaries by requesting non-nagging from mommy. You can let her call go to voicemail and return the call when you are ready to engage mom in her nag-fest. Or you can change your number, move to a different country, and not tell her about it. You are not stuck. You always have a choice.

Moving out of Stuckville is also a choice

The next time you find yourself living in Stuckville ask yourself, “What choices do actually I have?” Make yourself come up with at least 6. Make sure to include what you are currently choosing to do in response to your situation as one of the choices (your current response is a choice). And now only 5 more possible choices to come up with. Write them down. You will be amazed at how empowered you feel with so many choices to choose from!

Powerfully pick one and choose to move on out of Stuckville.

How To Master Your Life

We can all do many things well in life, however, there is really only one thing that we can truly master. And that is: being who we are.

It takes a lot of effort to gain mastery in what you do, ironically, there is no real effort needed to gain mastery in who you are.

Each of us has a very unique makeup—no one has ever been or will ever be exactly like you.

Your unique makeup is, at its core, perfect. When you tap into your true core — the very essence of who you are—your real gift to the world is revealed.

And as you then share your true gift with the world, you are mastering your life.

3 parts to life-mastery...

Believing that everyone (including you) has a unique gift for the world. And that this gift is each person's true, authentic self.

Discovering (or better stated, remembering) your unique gift.

Sharing your unique gift freely with the world in a way that only you can.

You do have a unique gift (everyone does, you know that). You really do know what your gift is (though you may have forgotten). You need to share your gift (being a gift-hoarder is not very nice, you know that, too).

What matters is...

What matters is knowing who you really are and expressing that who in how you live.

Living like this allows you to resonate at a high frequency of energy. Mastering your life gives you the ability to live abundantly and joyfully. Attracting all of the right people, things, and circumstances that you need into your life.


Instead of trying to gain mastery over your life through doing, through striving, or through achieving…

Relax and just be more of who you truly are.  

Take A Beauty Break Today

When we slow down, life becomes clearer. Slowing down gives us the opportunity for life to become shaper. No longer a hurried blur that hides the beauty. 

I’m sure that you have a lot going on in your life right now. I know that I do. Emails to send, even more to reply to. Projects to finish, even more projects to start. Laundry to put away, at least 3 new loads of laundry to start. There’s that stack of business cards on my desk that keeps growing week by week. Full of new people to reach out to — many of whom I now do not even remember meeting. There are a couple key relationships that need my attention. And I just picked up 10 more books from the library. I’ll read those when?


A lot to do.

A lot to think about.

And then I remember.

I had a friend when I was about 13 whose parents were going through a divorce. It was tough on her. She loved both of her parents tremendously. So hard to see them in pain. She was torn. She was overwhelmed.

We went for a walk one summer day by the Stanislaus River. Walking, talking, and crying (her, not me. I was, of course, a cool 13 year old boy). She looked down and saw a gorgeously golden California Poppy among the rocks and Sequoias.

She slowed down. Then stopped. Bent down. And gazed upon the poppy.

Pondering the beauty of the Poppy, she said with a smile that broke through her tears, “When I see this flower I am reminded of God’s love. Beauty surrounds me. Everything is going to be ok.”

Yes, you have plenty on your mind. You will always have plenty on your mind. Plenty to consume you. Plenty to do. Plenty to overwhelm you. If you let it. And yet...

Beauty surrounds you.

Take today a little slower.

Everything is going to be ok.

Walk slower. Eat slower. Drive slower. Speak slower (unless you are a Southerner, then please do not speak any slower, you have already mastered this one).

Listen slower. Work slower. Drink slower. Look slower. Even brush your teeth slower.

By slowing down you give yourself the opportunity to SEE beauty that would have otherwise flown right on past you. By slowing down you give yourself the opportunity to EXPERIENCE beauty that would have otherwise been missed. By slowing down you give yourself the opportunity to EXPRESS beauty that would have remained trapped.

Be aware of the beauty around you. Look for it. Listen for it. Let it speak to and through you.

I am going to slow down a bit. Open up my office window. And do a little bird watching and listening for a bit. There is beauty in my backyard. The overwhelm can wait. It is time for a beauty break.

How will you slow down for beauty today?

The Benefits Of Letting Your Mind Wander

What to do when your mind wanders...

We often think of daydreaming as a rather annoying aspect of being human.

You are trying to work on a budget project and you keep thinking about going for a walk—physical movement, fresh air, the sun on your face.

You are preparing for an important client meeting and you suddenly find yourself lost in that movie you saw last night—you start smiling, laughing, snorting, "Oh, shit...that was hilarious!"

Or you are driving to work and you are thinking about mom's special chocolate chip cookies that she made you when you were 8 years old—your mouth is literally watering and you can actually smell the cookies!

Mind wanderings are not random. I believe that they are a gift from your soul. 

Your soul is trying to reach you, trying to break through into your life. Calling you to break on through to the other side. 

Seek to find the purpose in what your mind is wandering to.

Could be that your body really needs some sun and fresh air or perhaps a job that involves budgets is really not the best expression of yourself?

Could be that you need more comedy in your life or perhaps attending overly serious client meetings are a poor reflection of who you are.

Could be that you need to eat something (blood sugar getting low), perhaps baking is a new career path for you to take, or maybe it’s just time to call your mother? (It's always time to call your mother, right Mom?)

Give yourself a week or two of paying attention to these wanderings and write them down. Then review. The more you are aware of what “randomly pops up in your head” the more patterns you’ll see in these “random wanderings.”

Once you see the pattern, take a next step.

See how you can turn those wanderings into reality — even if just a small reality.

Your soul will thank you.  

Letting Go Of Knowing

I love this quote by Winnie the Pooh: "Sometimes if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you suddenly know everything there is to be known."

Ah yes….the pure wisdom from a loveable yellow bear.

There is much that just watching a river run beneath can teach you. The simpleness of life. The peaceful sound of a river. The joy of nature. It also teaches you about letting go of your need to know more.

Now I'm all for knowledge. I love to read, research, and study. I have three degrees and I secretly want another one. I have a list of books that I want to read which will take me a year to get through.

I like having answers. And I'm sure you do, too. But...

Did you know that 5,593 books have been published today? While I was looking up these statistics on Worldometers, 20 additional books were published (and I was only on the site for a few minutes). And if that isn't crazy enough, today 400,000,000 newspapers have been circulated; there have been 2,800,000,000 Google searches; and 2,553,000 blog posts (add one more once I hit "publish"). This is just so far today. And there are still several hours of today left in my timezone!

We are a knowledge hungry world. What are we searching for?

Challenge yourself with this question: "Why do I need to know so much?" Ponder upon that question for a while. And don't Google the answer. 

Can you let go of needing to know?

Take a day off from needing to know. Take a day off from having to have answers—any answers. Let go of knowing. Embrace the wonder of not knowing. You'll be surprised that life will feel simpler...easier to understand...less to worry about...less to consume you.  

Go for a walk.

Find a river.

Watch the waters rush by.

You will suddenly know everything there is to be known.

Thanks, Winnie the Pooh.