Stay Away: 5 People Who Will Suck The Success Right Out Of You

So you want to be successful? Great.

Be careful then, very careful, who you hang out with.

You will have to limit spending time with certain people. And before you get all, “But that so rude to avoid certain people. I don’t want to be seen as a snob!”

Your energy around how you avoid certain people is key. Just like it is key with any choice that you are making.

If you want to have a healthy body you avoid drinking soda. When offered a soda, you can arrogantly reply, “NO, I don’t DRINK soda because I CARE about MY body!” or you can politely say, “No thank you, I’d love a glass of water, please.”

Success Suckers To Avoid

1. The Fussers

Fussers are people who are always complaining about how bad their life, job, sandwich, car, house, spouse, friends, pens, or whatever is. They constantly whine about everything. They have the emotional intelligence of a two-year old who throws temper tantrums on the grocery store floor. They fuss but never do anything to change their situation.

Why avoid The Fussers? Pessimism is contagious. Fussers infect you with their negativity.

2. The Royals

Not the baseball team. These are people who feel like they are entitled to certain things in life. Things like not having to work for anything, not cleaning up after themselves, not taking responsibility, not helping out, and not saying “Please” and “Thank you.” And they love to make you feel like you owe them something just for the privilege of hanging out with them.

Why avoid The Royals? Know this: You, or anyone else, are not entitled to anything. If you want a successful life, you have to create it.

3. The Conformers

Conformers are the most popular of all. They are the ones who conform any limits set on them  — whether by others (a spouse, a boss, or a culture) or by themselves (their own self-limiting beliefs). They do not have any dreams they are chasing after. They are staunch defenders of the status quo. They are simply living like robots—waking up grumpy, watching TV, putting in their 8 hours at a job they hate, going home, eating crap, watching more TV, sleeping poorly, and doing it all over again mañana.

Why avoid The Conformers? A person who is following their dreams simply cannot conform to the average life. They will do everything in their power to keep you from changing.

4. The Escapers

They’re the ones who are planning Happy Hour seven days a week. They long to just get through the workday and workweek so that they can go out and have fun — anything to relieve the pressure of their life. Yes, it is great to have fun. But these people are doing it for all the wrong reasons. They will distract you from your dreams with “Come on, one more round!”

Why avoid The Escapers? They have no vision beyond easing their pain and are more than happy to have you along for their bumpy, drunken ride.

5. The Doubters

Doubters can be downers. They may listen to your big dreams, but will be the first ones to tell you they don’t think it is a good idea, not to get your hopes up, or to kindly point out all of the ways that whatever grand plans you have can (and probably) will end in failure. They are the ones who believe you have to already “be somebody” in order to do something extravagant.

Why avoid The Doubters? They’ll cause you to question your dreams because they have none.

Remember, you always have a choice who you spend your time with. Yes, leaving a job, a relationship, a church, or a neighborhood, in order to avoid these people won’t be easy. It will, however, keep your success from being sucked right out of you.