The Big Bang: Decision Is The Spark That Gets You Out Of The Dark

“Once you make a decision, the Universe conspires to make it happen.” Ralph Waldo Emerson

All creation first starts with a decision. A decision to do, to engage, to change. To throw some paint on a blank canvas. To shake things up a bit!

Decision is the catalyst to creation. Once a decision has been made, the energy necessary to make it happen begins to move in the direction of that decision. The decision draws in all things necessary for that decision to become a reality. 

It’s like God walking around in the darkness, not being able to find a flashlight, and deciding to just create a big one himself.

“Can we get some light around here? Lot’s of light! And throw in some galaxies, too for good measure!”

Most people remain stuck in the darkness. Unsure. Undecided. Unmoved.

Decision tells the Universe (which in turn tells your ass) to get moving. We’re gettin’ off the couch! We’re going somewhere! We’re going to make something happen!

But you’ve got to decide. You’ve got to choose. You've got to move.

If you find yourself a bit stuck right now — perhaps unsure of what to do with a relationship, how to get out of debt, how to handle a particular work project, or how to kick a bad habit — make a decision that will move you forward. 

Try this trick.

Take whatever you are stuck in/with/on and write down at least 5 possible things you could do to get yourself unstuck. Look at the list. Pick one. Do it.

I was working with a coaching client who is a drapery seamstress. She got stuck on a project. Her customer wanted some special drape thingy that was a bit complicated. My client knew she could do it, but she had not done that particular pattern before. She wasn’t sure how to do it or even where to begin. My client was spinning around in stuckness.

We did this exercise and she came up with 5 possible ways to get unstuck. The one she chose to do first was, “Go the the library and look for a specialized drapery book to get some ideas.”

She went to the library. Found a couple books.

She started flipping through one of the books and miracle of all miracles, right there on the glossy page she saw the exact pattern and process that she needed. New fancy drapes. Check! Happy customer. Check!

What is interesting about this drapery drama is that until my client went through the exercise she only saw one option: spend hours in her studio experimenting. And that option was so unappealing to her that she remained stuck in the space of, “I don’t know what to do. . .”

What's got you stuck?

Make your list. Decide on one. Do it. 

Start moving. Re-evaluate as necessary.  

You’ll soon see the light!