Take A Beauty Break Today

When we slow down, life becomes clearer. Slowing down gives us the opportunity for life to become shaper. No longer a hurried blur that hides the beauty. 

I’m sure that you have a lot going on in your life right now. I know that I do. Emails to send, even more to reply to. Projects to finish, even more projects to start. Laundry to put away, at least 3 new loads of laundry to start. There’s that stack of business cards on my desk that keeps growing week by week. Full of new people to reach out to — many of whom I now do not even remember meeting. There are a couple key relationships that need my attention. And I just picked up 10 more books from the library. I’ll read those when?


A lot to do.

A lot to think about.

And then I remember.

I had a friend when I was about 13 whose parents were going through a divorce. It was tough on her. She loved both of her parents tremendously. So hard to see them in pain. She was torn. She was overwhelmed.

We went for a walk one summer day by the Stanislaus River. Walking, talking, and crying (her, not me. I was, of course, a cool 13 year old boy). She looked down and saw a gorgeously golden California Poppy among the rocks and Sequoias.

She slowed down. Then stopped. Bent down. And gazed upon the poppy.

Pondering the beauty of the Poppy, she said with a smile that broke through her tears, “When I see this flower I am reminded of God’s love. Beauty surrounds me. Everything is going to be ok.”

Yes, you have plenty on your mind. You will always have plenty on your mind. Plenty to consume you. Plenty to do. Plenty to overwhelm you. If you let it. And yet...

Beauty surrounds you.

Take today a little slower.

Everything is going to be ok.

Walk slower. Eat slower. Drive slower. Speak slower (unless you are a Southerner, then please do not speak any slower, you have already mastered this one).

Listen slower. Work slower. Drink slower. Look slower. Even brush your teeth slower.

By slowing down you give yourself the opportunity to SEE beauty that would have otherwise flown right on past you. By slowing down you give yourself the opportunity to EXPERIENCE beauty that would have otherwise been missed. By slowing down you give yourself the opportunity to EXPRESS beauty that would have remained trapped.

Be aware of the beauty around you. Look for it. Listen for it. Let it speak to and through you.

I am going to slow down a bit. Open up my office window. And do a little bird watching and listening for a bit. There is beauty in my backyard. The overwhelm can wait. It is time for a beauty break.

How will you slow down for beauty today?