The Benefits Of Letting Your Mind Wander

What to do when your mind wanders...

We often think of daydreaming as a rather annoying aspect of being human.

You are trying to work on a budget project and you keep thinking about going for a walk—physical movement, fresh air, the sun on your face.

You are preparing for an important client meeting and you suddenly find yourself lost in that movie you saw last night—you start smiling, laughing, snorting, "Oh, shit...that was hilarious!"

Or you are driving to work and you are thinking about mom's special chocolate chip cookies that she made you when you were 8 years old—your mouth is literally watering and you can actually smell the cookies!

Mind wanderings are not random. I believe that they are a gift from your soul. 

Your soul is trying to reach you, trying to break through into your life. Calling you to break on through to the other side. 

Seek to find the purpose in what your mind is wandering to.

Could be that your body really needs some sun and fresh air or perhaps a job that involves budgets is really not the best expression of yourself?

Could be that you need more comedy in your life or perhaps attending overly serious client meetings are a poor reflection of who you are.

Could be that you need to eat something (blood sugar getting low), perhaps baking is a new career path for you to take, or maybe it’s just time to call your mother? (It's always time to call your mother, right Mom?)

Give yourself a week or two of paying attention to these wanderings and write them down. Then review. The more you are aware of what “randomly pops up in your head” the more patterns you’ll see in these “random wanderings.”

Once you see the pattern, take a next step.

See how you can turn those wanderings into reality — even if just a small reality.

Your soul will thank you.