The Future Of Fear

All fear is in the future. That's where it hangs out.

Fear lives somewhere a few seconds from now, a week from now, a year from now, a “some day” from now in an “alternate time trajectory” and has just stopped by for a little visit. (The Flash fans will get this.)

Fear represents a "possible future” a “possible reality.”

Yes, in the future you could lose your job, your leg, your money, your house, your reputation, or your keys! Yes, the Zombie Apocalypse could start tomorrow at 9am! Yes, there could be a snake in your lurking in your toilet ready to bite your ass!

Anything that you fear could happen.

And yet...

As you read this, you are fine.

Nothing bad is happening to you right now. If it was, you wouldn’t be reading this  — you’d be looking for your keys, fighting off the Zombies, or trying to catch that snake!

Fear is not the thing. Fear is the possibility of the thing.  

Fear is not real. It is not tangible. It is not a thing that you can touch. Fear does, however, feel real — very real in fact. 

But fear is just a feeling. A feeling of worry in the presence of the unknown. A feeling like all other feelings.

"What will I do if I can't find my keys?" "How will I survive if the Zombies eat my brains?" "How will I get to the hospital if the snake bites me?"

Fear is negative thought-energy projected into the future returning to visit you now. And if you can feel fear, you can feel anything else that you want to in its place.

Don’t miss that last line! If you can feel fear, you can feel anything else that you want to in its place.

You can choose to project positive thought-energy into the your future and feel excitement, joy, or hope now, instead of fear.

"I will find my keys. I'll ask the kids to help!" "I'll prepare for the Zombie attack by reading Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse for Dummies. I hear that it's a great book!" "If the snake bites me I'll just call 911. I'm sure that they handle snake stuff all the time!" 

Who do you want to visit you from your future? It's your choice.