From Chaotic Avalanche To Zen Garden: Creating “Om” From The Overwhelm

Ever feel like your to-do list is a mile long and your brain's about to explode?

Yep, me too.

I currently have 168 tasks that are on my to-do list. A few big tasks, others are mostly small 5-minute tasks. But regardless of size, 168 tasks is a bit, shall I say, overwhelming.

And if your list is anything like mine, it's enough to make us all want to crawl into a corner and rock ourselves while in a fetal position.

But guess what?

Overwhelm isn't a life sentence, it's a signal. (It's telling you something important.)

The good news is: you're in control — even if you don’t feel like it right now.

To gain control over the overwhelm we need to realize that feeling overwhelmed is actually a choice.

“Whoa, hold on there buddy!” you might be thinking.

Before we start judging ourselves for feeling overwhelmed, hear me out. It might sound crazy, but feeling overwhelmed is often a choice we make unconsciously. We get swamped with tasks, deadlines, and drama, and our brains go, "Uh oh, this is too much!"

But instead of pausing, leaning into this stressful emotion, and saying, "Hey, wait a minute, how can I handle this?" we jump straight to feeling overwhelmed.

Think of it like a fork in the road:

Path A: You see the mountain of tasks and think, "I'm doomed!" You shut down, stress out, and get nothing done.

Path B: You pause, take a deep breath, center yourself through meditation, assess the situation, and say, "Okay, this is a lot, but I can handle it. Let's break it down."

Path B is the key to unlocking your inner overwhelm-responder.

Overwhelm isn't just an annoyance, it's actually an opportunity.

It's a chance to identify your triggers: What situations or thoughts make you feel overwhelmed?

Once you know, you can avoid them or develop positive coping mechanisms like:

Learning to say, “No”: You don't have to be a superhero and do everything. Captain Marvel might be able to do it all, but she’s only doing it all in the comics and in the movies. Setting boundaries and saying “No” to things that drain your energy is crucial.

Seeking support: We all need help sometimes. Don't be afraid to lean on friends, family, contractors, virtual assistants, or professionals to help you out.

Remember, you are not alone in this. Overwhelm is a common human experience, but it doesn't have to control you.

By leading your thoughts, actions, and reactions, you can turn the avalanche of overwhelm into a zen garden. A place of peace where you experience more balance, calm, and empowerment — one deep “Om” chant at a time.

You got this!

I’m now going to pause, take a deep breath or two, center myself through a bit of meditation and then take a good look at those 168 tasks. 🙂

Failure Fiesta: Checking In (Still Not Fatal, Promise!)

Hey there, lover of failure!

Remember that time we talked about failure being less of a horror movie monster and more of a confetti-filled learning fiesta? (In case you don’t remember everything that I write, here’s the link to the blog: Failure Blog)

It's been a couple of months, so buckle up it’s time for a quick check-in.

How's that "failure-as-feedback" mindset treating you?

Still rolling with the punches, or have the gutter balls got you feeling deflated?

Remember, even the smoothest moves take practice (and sometimes a hilarious faceplant).

Think back to your biggest recent "thud." Did you dust yourself off, analyze the wonky throw, and maybe even learn a killer curveball? Or did you get stuck in the pity party, convinced that your proverbial “bowling days" were over?

Here's the thing: failure isn't a permanent resident. It's a fleeting visitor, an out of town guest, here to offer its wisdom (even if it comes carrying a less-than-stylish suitcase full of stinky fish).

So, the next time the “failure guest" shows up, don't offer it an air mattress on the back porch – let it stay inside, hand it a microphone, and let it sing its feedback song to you.

You might be surprised by the catchy tune it has to offer. (Your failure, I’m coming to teach you, a wonderful lesson…la,la,la,la,la,la,da)

And hey, if you're still stuck in the gutter, no worries! We've all been there, performing the epic shuffle of self-doubt. But remember, even the most graceful dancers started off with wobbly steps.

So, crank up the music, laugh at your own moves, and keep grooving. This is your comeback story, and it's gonna be epic, gutter balls and all.

So, are you ready to turn your failures into fabulous learning opportunities?

Let's get this fiesta rolling! I’ll bring the confetti and a piñata full of helpful tips.

Now go forth and fail fabulously, my friend! It means you’re trying something new. The Universe and your personal cheerleader (me) are waiting for your grand finale. 🥳

Stuck In The Spin Cycle: When A Change Of Scenery Saves The Day

So, here you are…

Scrolling mindlessly through your phone — maybe there’s a new post on Facebook to check out?

Staring at the same coffee stain on your desk — oh look how it’s changed color!

Just replaying the pros and cons of that looming decision in your head like a scratched CD.

You're officially stuck in the decision-making spin cycle, and it's about as thrilling as watching paint dry (or, I suppose, watching coffee stains morph).

But hold on, friend, before you resign yourself to another hour of internal monologue-induced madness, let me offer a radical escape pod:

Change the scenery.

No, I'm not suggesting booking a flight to Bali (although, if you can, then by all means, go!). Sometimes, all it takes is a shift in physical perspective to break the mental logjam.

A brisk walk around the block, a quick spin around the neighborhood in your car, heck, even rearranging your furniture – anything to jolt your senses and liberate them out of their decision-making rut.

Think of it like shaking a snow globe. All those swirling snowflakes of uncertainty need a good jostle to settle into a new, clearer vision.

And trust me, the fresh air, the movement, or even the novelty of driving, can work wonders.

Here's what happened to me earlier today:

I had the “Decision-Making Monster” gnawing at my brain about my schedule. Scrolling through Facebook didn’t help — it was just a time-waster. The stain on my desk was annoying — so I wiped it up.

Cue the Taco.

No, not a taco that I could eat (though I do love a good taco al pastor) but, rather, my Tacoma truck. Ten minutes of asphalt therapy later, and the answer smacked me in the face like a particularly motivational billboard.

The clarity was almost comical. “Oh, yeah, that’s what I need to do.”

So, the next time you're caught in the decision-making spin cycle, don't underestimate the power of a little "out-of-the-office" time. Your brain and your soul will thank you for it.

Remember, sometimes, the best way to find the answer is to stop looking where you’ve already been looking.

Change up the scenery. You might just surprise yourself with what you find along the way.

Now, excuse me while I go take action on the answer that I received to my dilemma. 🙂

Taming The To-Do Tsunami: One Butt-In-Chair Session At A Time

Hey there, fellow drowning-in-the-to-do-list friend!

Ever feel like life's just thrown you into a perpetual ocean of unfinished projects, overflowing inboxes, and enough notes to wallpaper the universe?

Yeah, me too. Right now.

So…I’m writing this as much for you as I am writing it as a reminder for myself.

Here's the good news about the to-do overwhelm: we have the power to respond.

Not with super-human powers (though caffeine comes close), but with a powerful plan for tackling those overwhelming moments.

The plan is infused with a secret weapon: The Focus Session!

This isn't just another fancy name for checking email while sitting on the toilet (I know you’ve done this too).

Picture this: 45-90 minutes of uninterrupted, "butt-in-chair" dedicated focus to one item on your list.

No phone alarms, no social media sirens, just you, your task, and a chance to conquer that Everest of to-dos.

Here are three tips for you to turn your session into a huge win for “Team You.”

1. Pick Wisely. Don't start with the project that makes you want to hibernate until summer. Choose something actionable, achievable, and (dare I say?) enjoyable. This is about building momentum, not reading all of War & Peace in one sitting (it’s roughly 1400 pages).

2. Silence the Sounds. Put your phone in a faraway land (like, in the sock drawer of a friend’s house who lives across town). Choose background music wisely: I like instrumental music (jazz typically) as I can get distracted by lyrics or by very familiar songs that I want to rock out to instead of focusing on the task at hand. Close any unnecessary web browsing tabs, alerts, alarms, or programs, etc that you don’t need. Don't even pretend you can multitask, because you can't. The world can wait 90 minutes for you to return to it.

3. Reward Yourself. Finished your task? High five! Did a solid 45 minutes of focused to-doing? Mini dance break! Celebrate even the small wins. Remember, this is all about making progress, and keeping things positive so that you’ll want to do it again.

So, the next time you're drowning in that to-do tsunami, remember: tackle your list one focused session at a time.

You've got this! (And if you don't, well, there's always another focus session waiting to be won.)

Now, go forth and conquer, my partner in productivity!

Your inbox (and your sanity) will thank you for it. 🙂

Week 5 Check-In: Are We Still In The Maze?

Hello, fellow maze-runners!

It's now Week 5 of 2024.

Are the echoes of "NEW YEAR. NEW ME!" fading like a pair of well-worn Levi’s?

Did you really promise yourself to learn how to recite poetry in Mandarin Chinese while juggling bowling balls on a unicycle?

Thankfully not.

But you did set some big goals for 2024 and you’ve probably failed to hit them 100% of the time.

Guess what? That’s totally OKAY.

I took a little bit of time yesterday to do some “reflecting on the week” as I usually do on Sundays (I highly recommend this Sunday reflection time for you as well).

As I looked over the last 4 weeks of the year I was very proud of myself for what I had accomplished so far AND I could see a few areas where some adjustments needed to be made. Areas where I feel like I am literally bumping into some walls as I try to figure my way around the 2024 goal maze.

Remember, personal growth isn't a straight shot to the finish line. It's a labyrinth of twists, turns, and dead ends, where we stumble, learn, and (hopefully) find our way.

So, how's your maze looking?

Where are you winning?

Let's celebrate the wins! Did you finally conquer that yoga pose? Smashed your reading goal? Aced that presentation? Own those achievements! They're proof you're moving forward, even if not in a straight line.

Where are your walls?

Be honest, what's been a struggle? Is it the late-night carb cravings sabotaging your fitness goals? Or the procrastination monster devouring your to-do list? Identifying the roadblocks is half the battle.

Where do you need to re-work the plan?

Remember, getting through the maze is a process. You’ve got to be flexible. Maybe your goals need a re-working and a tweaking, or perhaps your approach needs a re-thinky-dink. 🤔

Don't be afraid to pivot, experiment, and find a path that works for YOU.

Here's the truth: goal achieving isn't about perfection. It's about showing up, learning, and adapting.

So, take a deep breath, fellow maze-dwellers. (I mean it — Breathe. Now.)

We're all in this together, bumping into walls and celebrating victories. Let's keep exploring, keep learning, and keep finding our way, one twist and turn at a time.

Now, go forth and conquer your maze the best you can!

And remember, I'll be here cheering you on every step of the way. 🙂

The Gentle Whispers Of Your Body: Tuning In When Your World Hums Loudly

Raise your hand if you've ever powered through a day feeling like a zombie, fueled by sheer willpower and lukewarm coffee.

Guilty as charged, here!

In this whirlwind of a modern world, we tend to wear busyness like a badge of honor.

Calendars groan, schedules overflow, and rest feels like a distant luxury — reserved only for retirees living in Florida.

But sometimes, amidst the hustle, a soft whisper arises from within — the voice of our own body.

Like me this week…

My very draining medical procedure (pun totally intended) on Thursday left me thinking that I was either given too much anesthesia or that having those types of pictures taken really is exhausting (perhaps a career in hospital gown modeling isn’t for me after all?).

Friday I was dragging as I tried to make up for a lost workday on Thursday. And that then spilled into Saturday.

By mid-afternoon yesterday I was falling asleep at my desk. I desperately needed a nap. And what I thought would be a quick 30 minute recharge turned into 2 full hours.

When I went to bed last night, I didn’t set my alarm. I listened to my body and it was asking me for a bit more rest. My usual 5-6 hours of sleep became 8.

I also let my morning run turn into a brisk walk. Not my typical routine for the day, but my body spoke, and I listened.

It's easy to dismiss these whispers as laziness, and I do have a tendency to want to do this (I’ve got goals to achieve!), but true discernment lies in recognizing them as messages from our own internal wisdom.

Ignoring these whispers can lead to a crescendo of burnout, frustration, and even resentment. We do often forget that honoring ourselves starts with honoring our bodies.

The demands may roar, but our needs purr, sometimes insistently. And in this symphony of life, learning to listen to both is the key to harmony.

Scheduling flexibility becomes a superpower, allowing us to rearrange commitments, shift deadlines, and even say, "NO" gracefully.

Rest isn't a reward, it is a much needed fuel stop, a tune-up for the engine that drives us through life.

So, today, I invite you to join me in a radical act of self-care: tuning in.

Listen to the whispers of your body.

Is it requesting a slower pace?

A nourishing meal instead of a rushed sandwich?

A quiet evening instead of a crowded gathering?

Honor those whispers, my friend. Adjust your schedule, swap the sprint for a waltz, and embrace the power of a mindful "pause."

Remember, the world will still spin, even if you slow down for a beat or two. And when you rejoin the dance, it will be with a renewed rhythm, a clearer focus, and a heart full of self-compassion and self-love.

Because in this orchestra of life, the most beautiful music often comes from listening to the melody within. 🙂

Almost There, You Can Do It! A Little Bit Of Encouragement Goes A Long Way

Three beeps pierce the very early morning quiet.

“Beep. Beep. Beep”

3, 2, 1...Go!

My trusty Samsung Galaxy 4 Classic watch kicks off my daily run. The digital coach on my wrist. We're in this together, it and I, pounding the pavement for 30 minutes of pure endorphin-chasing fun.

But here's the thing: it's not just the stats and heart rate zones that keep me going. It's the little pep talk my watch throws my way.

At 27 minutes into the run, just when the finish line is glistening in the distance, my digital cheerleader chimes in.

"Almost there, you can do it!"

Three minutes left…lungs burning, legs screaming, and yet, my lips curve into a smile. "Thanks digital coach, yes I can!" I shout back.

The encouragement echoing in my own ears (because I really don’t think my watch can hear me). Regardless, it fuels my final push. It's funny how even a little “digital pat on the back" can work wonders.

But that's the magic of encouragement, isn't it?

It doesn't matter if it comes from a high-tech gadget, a supportive friend, or even a cheesy self-pep talk in the mirror.

When someone (or something!) believes in you, it lifts you a notch higher, pushes you past the self-doubt, and reminds you of the strength you never knew you had.

So, if you're conquering a 5K, juggling deadlines, or facing down a personal Mount Everest, remember: a little bit of encouragement goes a long way.

Go find yourself a coach. Be it a friend, your own inner cheerleader, a certified professional, or even a watch.

Embrace the "almost there, you can do it!” moments, because that's where the magic happens.

Now, go crush your goals, and don't forget to thank your coach, whoever they may be.

You've got this! 🙂

Be Like The Squirrel: Life Lessons From Tree Rodents And The Song “Little Acorns”

This morning I was rocking out to some classic music as I shaved, showered, and primped my hair (ha-ha).

I was listening to that legendary album “Elephant” by The White Stripes (wow, has it been 20 years since Jack & Meg White kicked music’s ass with a cheap guitar, a small drum kit, and recording gear that mainly consisted of an eight track tape machine?).

IF for some unknown reason you are not a fan of The White Stripes (heaven forbid) or haven’t heard of them (worse still) you’ve at least heard this anthem that fills stadiums all across the world —


This chant was inspired by The White Stripes’ song “Seven Nation Army” (that song is on the “Elephant” album).

I digress. Anyway….

The song on the “Elephant” album that actually grabbed my attention this morning was “Little Acorns.”

The song, interestingly enough, starts off with a powerful reflection read by Mort Crim. Mort Crim is an author and former broadcast journalist.

As the song begins Mort recounts a story (in his soothing broadcast voice):

When problems overwhelm us and sadness smothers us, where do we find the will and the courage to continue? Well the answer may come in the caring voice of a friend, a chance encounter with a book, or from a personal faith. For Janet, help came from her faith, but it also came from a squirrel.

Shortly after her divorce, Janet lost her father, then she lost her job, she had mounting money problems. But Janet not only survived, she worked her way out of despondency and now she says, life is good again. How could this happen?

She told me that late one autumn day when she was at her lowest she watched a squirrel storing up nuts for the winter, one at a time it would take them to the nest. And she thought, “If that squirrel can take care of itself with a harsh winter coming on, so can I. Once I broke my problems into small pieces, I was able to carry them, just like those acorns, one at a time.”

Great story!

You see, life can feel overwhelming at times. Problems pile up, anxieties gnaw, and the future appears shrouded in uncertainty. But, just like the squirrel, focused on its wintery needs, we can find strength and guidance in small, deliberate actions.

Breaking down our challenges into manageable tasks, tackling them one by one, is our own form of acorn-gathering. Each completed task, each hurdle overcome, adds to our reservoirs of resilience and confidence.

The squirrel doesn't waste time lamenting a bare winter or wishing for a magical avalanche of acorns. It takes action, its movements efficient and purposeful.

Likewise, we can cultivate a proactive approach. Anticipating difficulties, planning ahead, and building our resourcefulness become invaluable tools.

Just as the squirrel's winter stash ensures its survival, our proactive efforts create a safety net of preparedness, allowing us to face challenges with greater confidence.

"Little Acorns" also reminds us of the importance of perspective. The squirrel doesn't compare its pile of acorns to a hypothetical mountain of nuts. It focuses on the task at hand, appreciating each hard-won acorn.

Similarly, we can find peace and progress in acknowledging our individual journey, celebrating small victories, and appreciating the present moment. Comparing ourselves to others only breeds frustration and hinders our own growth.

So, the next time life throws crap at your feet, take a page from the squirrel's playbook.

Be like the squirrel — Break down your problems, take action, and appreciate the journey. And who knows, you might just surprise yourself with what you can achieve, one small step at a time.

As Jack White sings in "Little Acorns,"

Be like the squirrel, girl…Be like the squirrel…Give it a whirl, girl…Be like the squirrel…

What life lessons can you learn from nature (or a song) today? 🙂

Life's A Blind Date With The Universe: Embracing The “THIS Is Not What I Was Expecting…”

Ever trip over the sidewalk crack you weren't looking for? Life's kinda like that – a wobbly adventure paved with surprises, both delightful and, well, not-so-delightful.

We cling to our "knowns" – that the sun will rise tomorrow, that our coffee pot won't spontaneously sprout wings and fly off, and that our neighbor’s dog won’t somehow learn to open the doors to our house and decide to throw a party in our living room.

But the truth is, my friend, everything lives in the unknown – nestled snugly in the "what ifs" and "maybes" and the “this is not what I was expectings” that season our days.

Sure, stepping out of the house and seeing that your car is missing feels like an epic betrayal by The Universe. "Why me, cosmic car thieves?!" (This has happened to me twice.)

But honestly, even that shiny hunk of metal on wheels wasn't guaranteed.

A flat tire in a deserted stretch of road? Boom, instant unknown. (I’ve been there, too.)

And then there are the big unknowns, the gut punches that leave you gasping for air.

The job offer that disappears, the loved one who suddenly fades away, the health scare that shakes you, the sudden death of your best friend.

These are the moments when our souls cry out, “What happened? Why?” Moments where our spiritual resilience gets a workout.

But however much we do not like uncertainty, we need to embrace it.

Uncertainty isn’t some evil villain lurking in the shadows waiting to devour us.

It's the space where possibilities bloom, where courage flexes its muscles, and where we continue writing the damn story of our lives.

Sure, you can wallow in the "why me?"s, but that’s not going to get you very far down the road of life.

What can you do when you face uncertainty?

Here’s a few tips…

  • First, accept the uncertainty. It's not a bug in the system, it's actually a special feature. Embrace the fact that you don't have all the answers, and that's okay.

  • Second, focus on what you can control. Channel your energy into things you can actually influence, like your own reactions, your emotions, your choices, and your growth.

  • Third, find the silver lining. Even in the darkest of nights, there's always a sliver of moon peeking through. Look for the lessons, the opportunities, and the unexpected beauty that arises from the ashes.

  • Lastly, (and oh so important) please be kind to yourself. You're not a superhero deft at managing uncertainty with supernatural powers from beyond, you're a human being. Give yourself grace, take breaks, and remember, you're not alone on this wild mystery ride.

So, sign up for that blind date with The Universe. Get dressed up in your fancy date night clothes and head out to meet the unknown.

You might just discover that the best bits of the story are waiting for you in the shadows of uncertainty…just beyond the familiar.

The greatest adventures are always on the other side of the "what if I ________ ?”

Fill in that blank, then go ahead, and take the next courageous step. 🙂

Ditch the "Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda" Chorus: Sing Your "Gotta, Gonna, Willa" Song!

Ever feel like your life's stuck on repeat, playing the same old "Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda" movie soundtrack?

We all have those moments where the past whispers it's a sad trombone solo, reminding us of missed opportunities and paths not taken (Cue sad trombone music please!).

But here's the truth, my friend: dwelling in that dusty attic of regret is like trying to jumpstart your car with a paperclip. It ain't happening.

Sure, the past is a handy reference library, but it's not a comfortable bed to sleep in.

Instead of replaying the "if only" movie and its sad soundtrack on loop, let's rewrite the entire script! Let's trade in those tired "Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda" lyrics for a power ballad of "Gotta, Gonna, Willa!"

And this isn’t just feel-good fluff. There’s actually a lot of science behind it.

Our thoughts and what we say to ourselves become our reality, and dwelling on the past mishaps zaps the energy we need to create an awesome future. It's like holding a giant, neon "STUCK" sign above our heads, attracting more of the same stuckness.

So, how do we drown out the "Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda" chorus and crank up the "Gotta, Gonna, Willa" anthem?

Here's the plan:

  • Acknowledge the past, then ditch it. Thank it for the lessons, then gently nudge it out the door. It's served its purpose, now it's time to make room for new adventures.

  • Focus on the present. Look around. Accept where you're at currently and why you need to make some oh so immediate changes. What step (even if it’s a small one) can you take right now to move closer to your dream? Every "gotta" starts with recognizing and accepting how imperative it is to make some changes around here!

  • Embrace the "gonna" spirit. Yes, there will be challenges. But instead of shrinking back, say "I'm gonna do this!" That fire in your belly is the fuel for your rocket ship. 5-4-3-2-1 launch!

  • Change your inner “willa.” Remember that sassy, unstoppable force you were when you were a kid? Reunite with your inner kid power. The one who believes you can climb mountains, write symphonies, and fly!

The past is a reference point, not a parking lot. We learn from it, grow from it, but it’s no place to live.

So, let's rewrite your script with a new soundtrack.

Instead of drowning in could-have-beens, let's dive headfirst into the gonna-be-greats.

The past is a story you've already written.

The future?

Well, that's an open opportunity begging for your "Gotta, Gonna, Willa" song of victory! 🙂

The World: A Reality Show Directed by You (and Everyone Else)

Have you ever noticed how the same situation can be interpreted in a million different ways? Like, you might see a downpour as a romantic opportunity for a cozy night in, while your spouse is cursing the traffic it creates. It's like we're all wearing these funky perception goggles, painting the world in our own unique hues.

And that's the mind-blowing part, isn't it? Reality isn't some objective truth floating around out there. It's a personal masterpiece, crafted by our own experiences, biases, and yes, even our moods.

Reality is, in fact, an interpretation.

Navigating this world of kaleidoscopic perspectives can be tricky. Your "truth" might not be your spouse's "truth" when it comes to what a great date night looks like (game night vs. disco dance party night).

But hey, here's the good news: recognizing this diversity of viewpoints can be your superpower. Think of it like those choose-your-own-adventure books. You get to pick what you focus on, what you zoom in on, and how you spin the narrative of your life.

Want to dwell on the burnt toast and the grumpy neighbor? Go for it, but be prepared for a gloomy read. Or, you can choose to highlight the sunshine streaming through your window and the barista's infectious smile. Guess what? You'll see more of those things, too.

Focus on happiness and this gets you seeing more happiness. Focus on crappiness and this gets you seeing (and smelling) shit everywhere.

It's not about ignoring the not-so-peachy bits. It's about choosing where to rest your gaze, where to invest your energy. Because the world is a reflection of what you choose to see.

So, go ahead, put on your director's hat, pick your favorite lens, and get ready to film the most epic reality show of all – your life! You're the star, the writer, and the audience, all rolled into one. So make it a story you'll love to tell.

Remember, the world is a beautiful kaleidoscope of perspectives. Embrace the chaos, celebrate the differences, and choose what to focus on and what you want to see more of. Because ultimately, the reality you create is the one you get to live in.

So, make it a masterpiece, my friend. And make it all yours. 🙂

Life: A Seesaw, Not a Cruise Ship

Life, my friends, is not a one-way ticket to paradise. It's more like a wild ride on a seesaw, constantly tilting between sun-drenched peaks and murky pits.

We get a taste of luxurious 5 Star celebrations, followed by the bitter dregs of disappointment. We have days where the wind fills our sails, and others where we're dealing with a broken mast, a ripped sail, and stuck paddling against the tide in a boat with a hole in it.

Now, some might strive for the "cruise ship" ideal, forever lounging on the sun deck of smooth sailing.

But here's the secret…

To truly live a good and fulfilling life means to seek real personal growth, not just tanned skin.

You’ll find this good and fulfilling life hidden in the transitions.

It's in the graceful pirouette from doing the victory dance to wallowing in the agony of defeat that the resilient person grows and bounces back even stronger.

Think of it like a rollercoaster. The thrill isn't just the peak, it's the stomach-dropping plunge and the excited anticipation of the next climb.

Life throws us curveballs, twists our plots, and yes, sometimes leaves us feeling seasick. But it's in navigating these transitions, in learning to ride the waves with both fear and fascination, that we truly become masters of our own journey.

Here are some tips for navigating these transitions in life:

  • Acknowledge and validate your emotions. When you're going through a difficult time, it's important to allow yourself to feel your emotions. Don't try to suppress or ignore them, as this will only make things worse.

  • Talk with someone you trust. Talking about your feelings can help you to process them and make sense of what you're going through. A life coach (like me) can also be helpful in providing support and guidance.

  • Take care of yourself. Make sure you're getting enough sleep, eating healthy foods, drinking sufficient amounts of water, and exercising regularly. These things will help you to stay physically and mentally healthy, which will make it easier to cope with the difficult times.

  • Find ways to relax and de-stress. When you're feeling overwhelmed, it's important, very important, to take some time for yourself to relax and de-stress. This could involve reading a book, taking a bath, meditating, or spending time in nature.

  • Don't be afraid to ask for help. This one is super, super, super importante. If you're struggling to cope on your own, don't be afraid to ask for help from friends, family, or a professional. Please. There are people who care about you and want to help you through the difficult times.

So, the next time life throws you a curveball (and it will soon enough), don't waste time yearning for the calm. Embrace the change, the challenge, the bumpy ride. Sharpen your sea legs by following the above tips, learn to read the wind, and trust that even in the darkest dips, the sun will rise again.

Remember, the most beautiful stories are often the ones with the most dramatic chapters.

So, grab your life jacket, buckle up, and get ready to ride the waves of your ever-changing, ever-evolving, gloriously messy life. 🙂

Putting Instant Coffee In The Microwave In Order To Go Back In Time: And Other Creative Methods Of Time Travel

Here’s my annual birthday blog post. (Cue the birthday music).

Hopefully someone out there is a Steven Wright fan and will catch the joke in the title (my dad at least will). Oh how I loved listening to Steven Wright jokes as a kid…

But apparently, I’m not a kid anymore…my mostly bald head and graying beard remind me of that on a daily basis. (Maybe I’ll get a toupee and a “Wash That Gray Right Of Your Beard” coloring kit for my birthday?)

Well, today I celebrate turning 35 (yet again).

I’ve turned 35 so often that I’ve actually forgotten how old I really am (I’m going to check my driver’s license real quick…hold on a sec. Oh my, I’m actually a lot older than I thought…this is NOT good).

I’m going to choose to ignore THAT reality and focus on something a bit more fun….how about some "You know you're getting older when…." jokes?

  • "You know you're getting older when...all of your favorite music can be found in the bargain bin at Walmart." (Go 80’s music!)

  • "You know you're getting older when...a 'late night' is 11pm." (Totally me…but in my defense I do get up very early.)

  • "You know you're getting older have a birthday party and your neighbors don't even realize it." (Yep, mine will probably be fairly quiet…but fun, nonetheless.)

  • “You know you're getting older when your idea of a wild night is ordering takeout pizza and watching two movies.” (Also, totally me. I can be a bit of a “gotta stay disciplined” kind of guy, so going against my diet and taking in excessive amounts of TV does sound a bit wild.)

  • “You know you're getting older when you start referring to your 20’s as ‘the good old days.’” (Yep. Carefree and living in Mexico. Puras fiestas!)

And I would add:

  • "You know you're getting older when...on your birthday you spend most of the day reflecting upon your life."

Am I the only one who does this “birthday reflecting"?

Here’s my thought: A birthday is a great day to look back over the past year and see what you can learn.

Personally, as I reflect on my past year, I readily note that it has been pretty though.

I had many health problems. Thankfully minor. But I was sick a lot more than I usually am. My fiancé and I went through some very difficult times with our business. My finances took a huge hit. And there were several important relationships that became very strained.

However, these difficulties have prompted and inspired me to make some changes.

My health is getting better, we’ve made some major business adjustments, we’re seeking to make wiser financial decisions, and I’m hoping to have some conversations soon in order to seek reconciliation and relationship improvement.

Whether it’s also your birthday today or not (and more than likely you’ll celebrate one this year — even those who were born on February 29th will get a chance to celebrate!), I invite you to consider two important questions:

  • First, "What are your biggest lessons from your past year?"

  • Second, “What changes do you need to make based on those lessons?”

And there is also an opportunity to take that reflection even further.

Think of how awesome it is to take all of your lessons, triumphs, and wisdom gained in ALL of your previous years and use them as a platform on which to grow into the next year of your life.

You can take all of those life experiences, all of who you are up to this point, and make the next year even better!

By doing this, you are able to compound your past into your future. This is a great gift to give yourself. Make it big and make it wonderful.

Now, instead of wishing on candles, light the fire of your own ambition and make this year BLAZE!

As you celebrate your birthday this year, blow out those candles and excitedly proclaim, “THIS YEAR WILL BE MY BEST YEAR EVER! YIPPEE!!!”

I know I will. 🥳

When Your "Frog" Tastes Like Styrofoam: Why Forcing Goals Can Backfire

So, you read about "Eat That Frog" in yesterday’s blog (if not, now’s your chance). You got all fired up to conquer the toughest task first thing in the morning, right?

But then...nope. Nada. Motivation level zero.

If the thought of chomping down on that frog makes your stomach churn like a washing machine on a spin cycle, consider this: Maybe it's not the frog itself, but the pond your frog came from.

What do I mean?

Here's the thing: some goals, no matter how juicy they might seem to others, can make your soul feel like it’s chewing on styrofoam.

These goals might belong to someone else's vision, but not yours.

Maybe it's the prestigious career climb that leaves you cold and bitter, the picture-perfect Instagram life that feels like a costume, or the side hustle that sucks the joy out of your beloved hobby.

When you're out of alignment with your true soul-inspired desires, even the most "froggy" goals feel like swallowing swamp juice.

The drive, the passion, the "get-it-done" fire...they're all fueled by something deeper than just checking boxes. Your heart needs to be in it all the way, too.

So, before you force-feed yourself that frog, take a breath and listen inwards.

What sparks joy in your soul? What makes you lose track of time? What gets you excited to chase the day?

And guess what? When you pursue those, the frog eating gets easier, not harder.

The "ugh" turns into "whoop, whoop!" The struggle turns into flow. Because when you're aligned with your own inner-self empowered compass, even the biggest frog becomes a delicious bite on the path to your true north.

So, ditch the styrofoam goals. And listen to your soul's whispers.

And go find yourself a nice pond with a frog that at least looks a little more edible.

Because when you're aligned, even eating the toughest frogs will leave you feeling very, very satisfied. 🙂

Chomp, Chomp, Go! Conquering Your To-Do List with the “Eat That Frog Method”

Mark Twain, the master of wit and metaphors, once said, "If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first."

This isn’t about amphibian cuisine, though. It's about tackling your toughest tasks first thing, when your willpower is fresh and your mind is a laser beam.

So, why does the “Eat That Frog Method” work?

It slays the procrastination beast: We all know the feeling of pushing that dreaded task further and further down the list. But when you eat the frog first, you nip procrastination in the bud before it turns into an ugly swamp monster.

It boosts your productivity mojo: Conquering your toughest task early on sets the tone for the day. You're like a productivity ninja, slicing through your to-do list with newfound confidence.

Reduces stress and brain fog: No more staring at your list in overwhelm. You know exactly what needs to be done, and you're doing it! This clarity calms your mind and frees up space for better thinking.

But how do you actually "eat that frog"?

Here are a few crucial components:

  • Identify your frog: Be honest. What task makes you want to hide under the covers? That's your frog.

  • Schedule frog time: Block out a chunk of your morning (ideally, when you're at peak focus) to conquer the frog.

  • Silence the distractions: Put your phone on silent, close unnecessary tabs, and tell your coworkers you're on a frog-eating mission.

  • Just do it: Dive into your frog with laser focus. No checking emails, no social media breaks – just pure, unadulterated frog-chomping.

  • Celebrate your victory: Once you've swallowed that frog whole, pat yourself on the back! You've just taken a huge bite out of your to-do list.

The “Eat That Frog Method” isn't about torture (unless you're into that kind of thing). It's about tackling your toughest tasks first in order to unlock more productivity and a stress-free day.

I’ll be heading out for a run first thing in the morning to conquer my frog — long before the sun gets up. It will be dark and cold (well, cold for Charlotte, NC anyway).

So, what’s your frog?

If you want to learn more about “frog eating,” I highly recommend the book, “Eat That Frog” by Brian Tracy.

Grab your metaphorical fork and go frog-hunting! You might just surprise yourself with what you can accomplish.🙂

Blue Monday Blues Got You Down? Try These Mood-Boosting Hacks Instead of Booking a Cruise!

Raise your hand if you totally missed "Blue Monday" yesterday. (Don't worry, I was blissfully unaware too!) Apparently, January 15th was officially the most depressing day of the year, according to some questionable non-scientific studies, calculations, and a whole lot of marketing. Gloomy weather, post-holiday blues, broken resolutions – the whole winter weather cocktail of woe, supposedly hitting its peak like a smoothie made with rotten fruit.

But here's the thing: I didn't feel any bluer than usual. And neither did you, probably.

This whole "Blue Monday" thing? It really turns out (according to my quick Google research) to be just a clever PR stunt, recycled each year to sell us Caribbean cruises, spray tans, and overpriced snorkels. (Seriously, who buys snorkels in January?)

Sure, winter in the Northern Hemisphere can be unpleasant — very unpleasant currently. Some would readily admit that describing the weather as "unpleasant" is like calling the Grand Canyon a ditch. But before you drown your sorrows in SPF 50 and book a one-way ticket to paradise (that you can't really afford), try these little hacks to beat the winter blues:

1. Stop, Drop, and Breathe: Remember that fire safety drill “Stop, Drop, and Roll”? Apply it to your emotions. Stop what you're doing, find a comfy spot, and take some deep, slow breaths. It's like a mini-reboot for your stress-fried brain.

2. Vitamin D to the Rescue: Sunlight is nature's happy pill. So even if it's gray outside there’s still enough sun (usually) during the day to give you the boost you need. You can always try buying one of the “sunshine lamps” but you get bonus points if you can get outside for a walk (fresh air helps, too!). Also, vitamin D supplements and getting your D from foods are good options as well.

3. Move It or Lose It: Exercise is a magic potion for your mood. A brisk walk, some dance moves in your living room, even jumping jacks – anything that gets your blood pumping will help chase those blues away.

And while you're at it, ditch the self-pity party and focus on the good stuff. Maybe you didn't crush all of your resolutions already, but you made it to mid-January in one piece (and hey that's something!). Maybe the weather really sucks, but you have a cozy blanket and some hot cocoa.

Remember, happiness is a choice, not a price tag. So skip the cruise perusing, the snorkel shopping, and leave the spray-on tan in the can. Do something kind for yourself instead. You'll be glad you did – and you might just make every day a "Happy Day,” even in the dead of winter. 🙂

P.S. If you're truly feeling overwhelmed and depressed, remember there's no shame in reaching out for help. Talk to a friend, a family member, a therapist, or me (my contact info is on the website). You're not alone in this winter wonderland.

Taco Talkin': Lessons from Mangled Spanish and Mango Salsa

Oh how I remember my youthful days in Mexico. Sun-kissed skin. Adventures grin. And a brain about to burst from Spanish grammar overload like a piñata stuffed beyond capacity with chocolate treats!

Too many times I wanted to say something eloquent to the new Mexican friends I just met in the plaza and all I could mumble was, "voy baño” when I needed to quickly excuse myself after too much coffee…hoping I hadn't just volunteered to clean the public restrooms.

But that's the beauty of the "voy baño" approach, isn't it? Sometimes, simplicity reigns supreme.

Maybe at one time you sought to impress a waiter in a Mexican restaurant and ordered "muchísima salsa por favor" on your tacos, only to have your eyes water faster than a telenovela plot twist. You quickly found out that, "muchísma" means “a whole heck of a lot.” And that fiery Mexican salsa was too much to handle. But hey, you made your point, and there's a certain charm to that, isn’t there?

The lesson here transcends learning Spanish (though trust me, those verb conjugations still haunt my dreams). Whether it's navigating a new project at work (I’ve been deep in “project learning mode" for the last couple weeks), mastering a tricky recipe, or learning a new skill that you set as a goal for this year, focusing on what you can do is the secret sauce to success.

Sure, the fancy vocabulary can wait. Let others impress with their subjunctive clauses while you're busy building the solid foundation of clear communication and action. When you've got the "voy baño" down pat, the "voy a salir a caminar un ratito porque necesito relajarme y dejar que se baje la comida después de haber comido tanto mole" comes naturally. (Bonus points if you understand that sentence without Google Translate!)

So, amigo, the next time you find yourself at level zero of something, don't sweat the frills. Embrace the "voy baño" mentality. Communicate clearly, say what you can, do what you know, and trust that the salsa of your skills will only get spicier with time.

You might just impress yourself (and surprise those cute latinas) with what you can achieve, even if it involves a few hilarious linguistic mishaps along the way.

¡Ahora, que vayas a conquistar el mundo con todo tu gozo!” (And maybe order the mild salsa next time... unless you're feeling adventurous.) 🙂

The Happiness Domino Effect: How You Can Spark Joy Around You

Ever hear that saying attributed to Gandhi, "Be the change you want to see in the world"? It's a powerful one indeed, but sometimes it feels like we're trying to light a bonfire with a single match. Here's the thing, though: our own happiness is the fuel that starts the fire.

Think of it like a happiness domino effect. When we're radiating joy, it's contagious. That smile you flash at the barista? It might be the spark that ignites their afternoon. That extra patience you show with your kids? It could be the missing piece to their silly dance party.

Our happiness starts with getting clear on what our "best self" looks like. Is it the calm, centered yogi who meditates before dawn? Or maybe it's the fearless adventurer who says "yes" to every spontaneous escapade? Whoever it is, let's start becoming that person right now. No waiting for the "perfect time" – because guess what? The perfect time is now.

And here's the kicker: by being our best selves, we're paving the way for others to do the same. We're showing them that joy is possible, that authenticity is celebrated, and that whole-being living isn't some distant dream. We're leading by example, and that's the most powerful ripple effect of all.

So, let's ditch the "someday" mindset and embrace the "right now" magic. Let's radiate joy, laugh loudly, and chase our dreams with open hearts. Because when we do, we're not just lighting our own fire – we're setting the whole world ablaze with happiness.

Now, that's a domino effect we can all get behind, right? 🙂