Juggling Chainsaws and Sunflowers: The Struggle of Misalignment

Imagine balancing precariously on a unicycle, juggling flaming chainsaws while simultaneously trying to smell a sunflower.

Total chaos, right? (And if you’re like me, the very idea of a unicycle sounds chaotic.)

That's the feeling of misalignment in a nutshell – a constant, wobbly dance between who we are and how we live.

We chase promotions that don't spark joy, cling to relationships that drain us, cram our schedules with hobbies we barely have time for and don’t really care about, smile through meetings that suck the joy out of the room, and fill our calendars with way too many "shoulds" instead of fabulous "dreams."

We become experts at compartmentalizing, wearing different inauthentic masks for different spheres of our lives. But beneath the surface, a nagging dissonance hums. We feel the strain.


Because somewhere along the way, our inner compasses got hacked.

This misalignment whispers in our ear at 3 AM. It manifests itself as a chronic low-grade anxiety, and shows up in the way we snap at loved ones or drag ourselves through workdays. It's the reason we feel like we're constantly running in place, never truly arriving anywhere.

Living misaligned, my friend, is like wearing someone else's ill-fitting shoes. Every step pinches, every stumble causes deep pain. Stress becomes a chronic houseguest, and happiness takes a permanent vacation. We yearn for the days when work feels like more than just clocking in, and relationships feel less like juggling flaming chainsaws.

But here's the good news: misalignment is a solvable puzzle, not an eternal curse.

The misalignment we feel is a call to action, a chance to rebalance the unicycle, extinguish the flaming chainsaws (and probably put them down — they’re dangerous even while not on fire), and finally inhale that sunflower's sweet scent.

Now we can peel back the layers of life, listen to our true selves, and align our lives with what actually makes us tick.

So, let's ditch the juggling act, embrace the wobbly unicycle, and chase after the sunflowers.

Because in the end, a life lived in alignment, even with its occasional wobbles, is a life overflowing with joy, purpose, and the sweet, intoxicating scent of your authenticity. 🙂

For Better or Worse, You're At Where You're At

Hey there, fellow traveler on this glorious, messy journey called life. Let's talk about a truth bomb, shall we? You are exactly where you're supposed to be, for better or worse. No, not in some cosmically ordained way that negates your free will, but in the sense that this moment, this exact mix of triumphs and stumbles, is the stepping stone to the next.

It can be tempting to squint at the horizon, imagining a future self bathed in accomplishment, success, and the accolades of a million Instagram followers. But hold on, amigo. Before zooming off into "what could be," let's take a good, honest look at the "what is."

I reflect this to you, as much as to myself.

I have been in “full project mode” since the beginning of this year. And although I’ve made some great progress, I’m not as far along as I hoped I’d be by now. Some things are taking SO MUCH longer than I was planning. SO MUCH longer. Ugh.

So here I am this Friday evening at 5:48 reflecting on the week, reorganizing tasks, and re-prioritizing (again) my to-do list.

Think of your goals like taking a drive through a new city. You wouldn't plot a course without first making sure you know your current location, would you? So, where are you? Maybe you are crushing your career goals, radiating confidence, and waking up with a purpose-fueled grin? Or maybe you're feeling a little stuck in quicksand like me, questioning every choice and desperately craving a change of scenery.

Neither scenario deserves judgment, just acknowledgment. Because knowing where you are is the first step to getting where you want to go.

This isn't about wallowing or celebrating – it's about clarity. It's about taking a deep breath and acknowledging the landscape you've traversed, the mountains you've scaled, and the unexpected detours that landed you where you currently are with your plans.

So, grab a large piece of paper, a cup of something invigorating (I’ve got some herbal tea), and get real with yourself. It’s time to assess the situation.

I find that doing something called “the splash down method” is quite helpful. What’s that you ask? Great question.

It’s essentially writing everything down that you are currently working on, had planned to do, need to do, want to do, ought to do, etc.

Get it all out of your head and heart and “splash it down” on a piece of paper. It doesn’t have to look pretty. It’s a splash.

Then review the paper and put a colorful circle around what is most important for the rest of the day today. After that, put a circle (preferably in a different color) around that which is most important for tomorrow. Prioritize what you circled for today and tomorrow. That’s it.

Don’t make it any more complicated than figuring out what you really need to do now, and then what you need to do next.

As you do this exercise, pay attention to some things that you might be hesitant to write down because they don’t feel like honorable tasks: Resting. Eating. Meditating. Calling a loved one. Going to the bathroom. Getting something to drink. Checking in on those kids of yours (“I wonder if they are missing? I haven’t heard them yelling for several hours…hmm). Etc. You do need to make sure to not neglect your selfcare and that of others.

Remember, growth doesn't always look like a straight line. Sometimes it's a meandering path, sprinkled with U-turns and unexpected vistas. But as long as you're moving, as long as you're learning, you're on the right track. So, breathe easy, traveler. You're exactly where you need to be.

Now, grab that piece of paper, write it all down, and plan out those immediate next steps. 🙂

"Who the Heck Do You Think You Are?": The Surprisingly Crucial Question for Success

Ever get that nagging feeling there's more to life than your daily grind? Like you were born to paint sunsets, invent teleportation devices, or lead world peace negotiations, but somehow ended up stuck in cubicle-land.

Welcome to the beginning of your personal and professional growth my friend.

Here's the kicker: this feeling isn't some cosmic case of mistaken identity. It's a desperate whisper from your soul, yearning to break free from the "should-be's" and ignite the "could-be's." But before you unleash your inner Picasso on the corporate walls, there's one crucial question you gotta ask yourself: Who the heck do you think you are?

Harsh, right? But hear me out…

Imagine trying to navigate a city with a faded, outdated paper map. (Pretend for a moment that you lost your phone or, worse, lived in the 1980’s). You'll end up lost, frustrated, and stuck in traffic jams of "what ifs." Your internal map, your self-image, is the GPS to your dreams. If it's riddled with self-doubt and societal expectations, your journey to success will be a pothole-ridden nightmare.

So, grab a notepad and dive deep within yourself for a moment.

Who are you beyond the titles, the labels, the external noise? Are you the witty wordsmith, the fearless adventurer, the empathic healer? Write it down, own it, let your truth roar. This exploration isn't just about ego-inflation. It's about recognizing your unique strengths, the passions that set your soul on fire. Only then can you chart a course aligned with your authentic self, a course that leads to the success you were made for, not just the one you were told to pursue.

Remember, you're not a blank canvas waiting for someone else's paint. You're a masterpiece in progress, already bursting with vibrant colors. So stop squinting at a blurry map and pick up your brush. Define your own hues, rewrite your narrative, and watch your path to success unfold, masterpiece-worthy and undeniably YOU.

Because in the end, the only person who can answer that crucial question, "Who the heck do you think you are?", is you.

And believe me, the answer just might paint your world in new breathtakingly unexpected colors.

Now go forth, and create your masterpiece. 🙂

2024's Not Ruined, Just Hit the Nightly Reset Button!

Amigos, we all have days where an entire chocolate cake and Mission Impossible movie marathons (aren’t there now 7 movies?) somehow snuck in and held you hostage for 24 hours.

Chocolate coma? Check. Productivity? MIA. New Year's resolutions? More like New Year's regrets at this point.

I get it.

But before you declare, “The hell with it all…goals are for losers!” and relegate your wide-eyed "New Year, New Me" dreams to 2025, let me tell you about a powerful tool in your personal arsenal. You possess a secret weapon: “The Nightly Life Reset Button.”

This isn't about forgetting your cake marathon today, it's about a little bit of self-care in the form of forgiveness. Recognize that every sunset offers you a fresh start. Close your eyes, wipe the slate clean, and whisper to yourself, "Tomorrow is a new day. I start fresh." Let the darkness wash away the stumbles, the regrets, the sugary highs and action movie lows.

Hit your personal reset button tonight, and let the power of a clean slate propel you towards a 2024 you can actually be proud of.

Wake up tomorrow with the sunrise of the new day, ready to write your own redemption story. No need to wait until January 1st 2025.

Remember, even Ethan Hunt and the Impossible Mission Force mess up sometimes. But Ethan and the team always get back up after being knocked down (even if bloody and limping), ready for the next mission. You can too.

So, reset, recharge, and launch yourself into a tomorrow that's worthy of your awesome kick-ass attitude.

Cheers to a 2024 that's still yours for the taking, one fresh start at a time. 🙂

The Symphony of Raindrops: An Ode to Unplanned Slumber

I let my alarm clock have the day off. My usual super early wake up buzzing was replaced by a gentle pitter-patter on the rooftop.

Rain. Lot’s of rain.

A persistent melody coaxing the world back to sleep. And me? Well, I let it.

Yesterday was a whirlwind.

Deep dives into creative rabbit holes that took longer than expected, chasing ideas like fireflies in the twilight. My desk is still covered in Post-It Notes. My brain, usually a tireless explorer, felt pleasantly fried, like a well-loved book with dog-eared pages and faded ink. My body, a loyal ship weathering a storm, whispered for a truce.

So, I surrendered.

Unlike my normal regimented routine, I sank deeper into the warm embrace of my warm blankets. The rain, a lullaby for the world, became my personal serenade. Each drop a tiny cymbal tap, each gurgle down the drain a soothing bass drone. I inhaled the earthy scent of a wood stove burning in the distance, a fragrant balm for my weary soul.

In that stolen hour (or was more?), nestled in the cocoon of my sheets, I rediscovered the joy of unplanned slumber. It wasn't laziness, not indulgence, but a necessary pause, a gentle reset button pressed by the universe itself. The rain, a maestro conducting the orchestra of nature, lulled me into a state of pure, blissful peace.

And when I finally tossed off the blankets, refreshed, the world seemed brighter, the air crisper. My mind, no longer a tangle of knotted threads, hummed with renewed energy. It was a reminder, a whisper from the raindrops: sometimes, the most productive thing you can do is simply…just be.

So, my dear amigo, if your inner world whispers for a reprieve, listen. Let the rain be your guide, the warmth of your bed your sanctuary. Embrace the unplanned slumber, for in its quiet embrace, you might just find your own symphony of peace.

Remember, sometimes the most important journeys are the ones we take within ourselves.

And there's nothing wrong with letting the universe orchestrate the tempo, even if it means hitting snooze on that alarm clock.

Sweet dreams, and happy listening! 🙂

New Year, New Mantras, New Abundance!

If you find yourself hanging out somewhere between thoughts of “I wonder what I can do with my life in 2024?” and “What can I binge watch next on Netflix?” Try some powerful mantras to get your mind headed in the right direction.

These potent whispers to your soul are more than catchy phrases - they're a magnet for abundance in all its glorious forms.

Instead of playing with a lack mentally try saying, "I give generously, and abundance flows back to me." Imagine sending out kindness like boomerangs and watch prosperity soar.

Feeling stuck? Repeat, "My dreams are blueprints, built by my intention." Believe in the power of visualization and watch doors unlock.

Unlock even more potential with, "My inner well overflows with everything I desire." Uncover the hidden treasures within and watch confidence bloom.

Banish doubt with, "Unlimited abundance pours into my life like sunlight." Focus on what excites you, not what stresses you. See opportunity everywhere, and watch prosperity waltz in.

And lastly, because it's YOUR year (not Netflix’s), declare, "My potential knows no bounds. I manifest, achieve, and become all I dream."

Remember, mantras aren't magic spells, they're seeds of belief you plant in your head and soul for your own harvest.

So whisper, dream, shout, declare, and watch abundance bloom in your 2024! 🙂

Finding Joy in the Morning Mayhem: A Breakfast Lesson in Grace

Let's face it, mornings aren't always sunshine and fluffy gluten free pancakes. Sometimes, like this morning during my breakfast, they come served with a side of a grumpy in-law. Dealing with less-than-ideal attitudes is a universal challenge, whether you're sharing a table with your extended family, navigating rush hour traffic, or simply existing in the real world. But here's the thing: even grumpy mornings hold hidden nuggets of spiritual wisdom, disguised as cold coffee and crappy attitudes.

Think of it like this: life throws us curve balls to help us grow. When faced with a grumpy outburst, we have a few choices: get drained into victimhood and despair for the situation, get sucked into the conflict and lash out, or take a step back and see the bigger picture.

Instead of reacting inappropriately (though, I must admit it, I was ready to let my food get cold and go find my noise-canceling headphones from upstairs so that I could finish breakfast in peace), we can choose to smile, send out a silent wave of love, and remember that this grumpy morning isn't a reflection of us, but a lesson in navigating life's messy moments with grace.

Here's the joy in that realization: we get to control our own reactions. We can choose not to let another person's bad mood hijack our own. We can choose to see the humor in the situation (because let's be honest, sometimes grumpy rants can be unintentionally hilarious — here we go again! Forehead slap.). We can choose to learn from the experience, and use it to develop our own emotional resilience.

So, the next time you find yourself facing a grumpy breakfast (or any other grumpy situation), remember: it's not about them, it's about you. It's about your ability to find the light amidst the mess, to turn lemons into lemonade (or at least, into a decent cup of coffee). It's about choosing joy, even when the world seems determined to serve you a plate of negativity. Because ultimately, that's the secret ingredient that makes life, with all its ups and downs, truly delicious.

Now, pass the syrup, and let's find the joy in this crazy, beautiful mess called life — one grumpy morning at a time. 🙂

Stagnancy Steals: Why Taking a Leap Beats Standing Still

Life's a curious thing, isn't it? A constant dance between comfort and chaos, dreams and doubts. We cling to our routines, our familiar shores, for fear of the churning ocean beyond. But here's the truth, whispered by the wind in your sails: the greater risk isn't actually in the plunge, it's the slow, silent erosion of staying put and standing still.

Ralph Waldo Emerson knew this. He said, "Don't be too timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better." Because inaction, my friends, is a thief. It steals your fire, your purpose, your very "what ifs." It leaves you with dust in your hands and regret gnawing at your soul.

Sure, taking a leap is scary. That bridge looks a tad bit shaky, the waters look deep and choppy. But the most beautiful sunrises bloom after the darkest nights, and the sweetest victories dance hand-in-hand with risk. Think of the artist who splashed color onto the blank canvas, the entrepreneur who dared to defy the odds, the dreamer who refused to let fear clip their wings. They took a leap, embraced the experiment, and painted their own magnificent stories onto the world's canvas.

So, what's your experiment? The book you've been whispering about? The career path that calls your name? The love note waiting to be penned? Today, choose boldness. Embrace the tremor in your knees, the butterflies in your stomach, and launch yourself into the unknown. Because the biggest risk of all? Living a life devoid of the beautiful mess of trying, failing, and rising again.

Remember, the world belongs to the experimenters. Go forth, paint your sky, and let your story roar! 🙂

Don't Let 2024 Dampen Your Dreams: How to Keep Your Dream Fire Burning

As the new year stretches before us, blank and full of possibility, it's tempting to get swept up in the hustle and bustle of resolutions and expectations. But amidst the goal setting and to-do lists, don't forget the most important thing: your dreams.

Dreams are the embers that keep our lives warm, the guiding lights that lead us to who we want to be. They're the reason we chase after goals, the fuel that propels us through challenges. In 2024, don't let those embers die. Instead, tend to them carefully, fan the flames of your passions, and watch them turn into something extraordinary.

Here are a few simple ways to keep your dreams alive in 2024:

  • Write them down. Putting your dreams into words makes them more tangible, and it gives you something to look back on when you need a little inspiration.

  • Share them with someone you trust. Talking about your dreams can help you solidify them and get feedback from someone who believes in you.

  • Take small steps towards them. Don't be intimidated by the size of your dreams. Start with small, achievable goals that will move you closer to your ultimate vision.

  • Never give up. There will be times when you doubt yourself or your dreams. But remember, the most successful people are the ones who never give up on what they believe in.

So, in 2024, make a promise to yourself: don't let your dreams fade away. Keep them alive, nurture them, and watch them take flight. You might be surprised at what you can achieve.

Remember, your dreams are what make you, you. They're the driving force behind your passions, your creativity, and your determination. So don't let anything dim your fire.

Keep your dreams alive in 2024, and watch them take you (and others around you) to amazing places.

Keep dreaming my friend. 🙂

Don't Forget To Pray: A Simple Reminder

Prayer is a practice of deepening our connection to the mystery of existence.

It refines our understanding of our place in the web of life and opens us to the possibility of transformation.

In this way, it empowers us to act as agents of love, justice, and joy in the world.

You don’t have to overthink this…just reach out to God. 🙂

Ignite Your Soul: What Do You REALLY Want This Year?

Please remember that resolutions and goals are more than gym memberships and to-do lists.

This New Year, let's dive deeper.

Ask yourself, not what you "should" do, but what your soul craves, what ignites that spark in your guts. Forget the whispers of what others expect, the paths laid before you by societal norms. This year, tune into your divinity, your calling, your unique creative fire.

Will you live a life woven from your passions, or one patched together from expectations? Are you chasing someone else's dream, or the faint echo of your own? Look within, with fierce discernment, and rediscover the desires that make your heart sing.

When you claim your true desires, when you chase your soul's whispers, you don't just create a happier you, you ripple joy outwards. You inspire others to break free, to ignite their own passions.

This year, let's be the spark that ignites a global bonfire of happiness.

What do you really want? Let's find out, together. 🙂

Feeling Stuck? Remember the Magic of the First Week of January (and Every Other Starting Point!)

Still feeling stuck in a rut? Still not exactly sure of what fabulous and awesome goals to set for 2024? You're not alone. Here's the secret weapon we humans often overlook: the power of fresh starting points.

Think about it. New Year's resolutions, birthdays, even Monday mornings – these aren't just dates on a calendar. They're portals, opportunities to step into a brighter version of ourselves.

As Katy Milkman, a researcher from Wharton School, puts it, "Fresh starts give us this extra motivation to pursue change. It's like 'That was the old me. This is the new me, and the new me has a clean slate and can do it.'"

The beauty of fresh starts is their abundance. You don't need to toss 2024 awesomeness out with the Christmas leftovers if you failed to set New Year goals by January 1st.

Take the whole first week of January to get your goals ready. (And even if you can’t get it all perfect and planned out by the end of this week I’ll give you some more options).

Every week, every day, even every hour is a chance to begin anew. Remember that nagging voice urging you to get active or eat healthier? That's your own personal starting pistol, ready to propel you into a new chapter of wellbeing.

Research backs this up. Milkman and her team discovered that simply highlighting an upcoming birthday could lead people to save more for retirement. Imagine what flagging any day this first week of January as a fresh start opportunity could do for your life!

So, the next time you feel stuck, remember:

  • Change is always possible. Fresh starts are everywhere, waiting to be embraced.

  • Embrace the little victories. A new week, a finished task, a healthy meal – they all count as fresh beginnings.

  • Believe in the new you. That clean slate mentality is powerful. Let it fuel your motivation and unleash your potential.

Remember, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. And sometimes, that single step is simply declaring, "This is my fresh start, today’s the day, and I'm going for it!"

Now go out there and conquer your first week of January, your Mondays, your birthdays, and every other fresh start life throws your way! 🙂

Forget the Goal, Become the Person: Why Growth Outshines Gold Every Time

We're goal-obsessed. Or at least most people are on New Year’s Eve. What resolutions did you set for yourself yesterday?

I do love goals….as I’ve written before, I love anything that gets me and you thinking about achieving something new.

Run a marathon! Write a bestselling novel! Make a million bucks! (That last one, especially, is popular). But while shiny prizes like trophies and bank accounts tempt us, there is something better to pursue.

Pursue who you need to become.

Success guru Jim Rohn, has often shared that his mentor taught him to strive to become the person who could achieve the big goal. That is, ask yourself, “Who do I need to become in order to achieve _____________?” (insert your awesome goal in the blank).

Instead of fixating on the finish line, focus on something far more valuable: your transformation.

Because let's face it, the thrill of achieving a goal will fade. But the person you become in the pursuit? That's permanent.

Think about it:

  • To master that marathon, you'll cultivate grit and discipline. No more snoozing through alarm clocks – you'll be a sunrise warrior, embracing sweat and self-belief.

  • Writing that novel? You'll tap into creativity and resilience. Goodbye, writer's block! Hello, world-builder who doesn't flinch at rejections.

  • Chasing that million? You'll hone your skills and business acumen. Forget the money – you'll be a strategist, a leader, a problem-solver extraordinaire.

The real treasure isn't the trophy, it's the person who lifts it. You become stronger, sharper, more of the fabulous YOU that you are. And that, my friends, is a win that keeps on winning.

So, this year, ask yourself: "Who do I need to become to reach my goals?"

Do you need to cultivate courage? Hone your communication skills? Embrace vulnerability?

Gold is great, but growth is better. The journey matters more than the destination, and the person you forge along the way is the ultimate prize.

Share your growth goals in the online comments on the social media links, and let's celebrate the amazing people we're all in the process of becoming. 🙂

Cheers to You!

Friend, the calendar might be flipping, but the excitement doesn't have to! This New Year, let's not just turn a page, let's write a whole new chapter, filled with possibilities as vibrant as fireworks and dreams as big as the universe.

Imagine the canvas of your future year, blank and gleaming. What masterpiece will you paint with it? Will you conquer a new skill, climb a mountain, or finally write that novel you've been whispering about? Don't hold back, dream like a child on Christmas morning and let your excitement fuel your fire.

But remember, this isn't a race to the finish line. It's a journey, a winding path through lessons learned and experiences gained. As Maya Angelou said, "Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." So, embrace the stumbles, the unexpected detours, and the moments where you get to say, "Whoa, that didn't go as planned, but did I learn something!"

Treat yourself with the same kindness you'd offer a friend. Forgive the missed deadlines, the moments of self-doubt, and the inevitable "what was I thinking?" mishaps. They're all brushstrokes on your grand masterpiece, adding depth and texture to the story you're creating.

So, let's raise a glass of fruit flavored sparkling water (I know, I’m “boring” but you can drink whatever you’re into, no judgment) to the New Year, not as a pressure cooker, but as a playground of possibilities. Let's embrace the excitement, the learning, and the grace, and paint a year so vibrant, it would make even the New Year’s Eve fireworks jealous.

Here's to a year filled with growth, joy, laughter, and the most amazing masterpiece of all – you! 🥳

2023's Rearview Mirror: Reflections, not Regrets

Ah, December. The month of cozy nights, twinkling lights, and... that inevitable rearview mirror check. We peer back at the year (and years), squinting past the confetti, the balloons, bubbles, huge NY City dropping electric balls, and sometimes, a few choices might sting. Missed opportunities, unspoken words, goals left unachieved. But here's the thing: regrets are just lessons with fancy packaging.

Sure, the path wasn't always smooth. We stumbled, we swerved, we maybe even took a few wrong turns. But hey, that's how we learn the map, right? Every detour, every pothole, every "oops-moment" is a whisper-thin line on the road to becoming who we're meant to be.

So, instead of dwelling on the "what ifs," let's celebrate the "what wases." We laughed, we loved, we pushed ourselves further than we thought possible. We learned from stumbles, grew from challenges, and discovered hidden strengths we never knew we had. That's the real magic of the year-end mirror – it's not about dwelling on the smudges, it's about seeing the bigger picture, the growth, the journey.

So, as we turn the page into 2024, let's carry those lessons close. Let the regrets be whispers of wisdom, not boulders on our backs. Let's keep developing, keep growing, keep learning, because the best part about this journey is that it never ends. And who knows, maybe next year, that rearview mirror will only reflect the sparkling horizon of a brighter future.

Here's to fresh starts, new chapters, and the beautiful, messy, ever-evolving story of who we are.

How can you see the lessons in 2023?

SMARTY Goals for Smart People (like you!)

The year is almost over.

A lot of this info I included in a post from a year ago, but I’m updating it a bit because I feel that there is something more (and very important) to include — a new “Y” in the SMART goal setting process.

Anyway, it's that time of the year when most people take to dreaming again—thinking, hoping, wishing, and planning for something new in the New Year. About 50% of Americans will set (to some degree or another) New Year's Resolutions, yet a staggering few actually accomplish them. According to the statistics, only 8% of those who set New Year's Resolutions actually reach them.

But that's not you, right?

Personally, I love to set goals. I really do. Perhaps that makes me a bit weird, but I get a lot of pleasure out of determining a goal, mapping out a course for achieving it, and then reaching it. The process is fun and exhilarating for me.

A quick review on goal setting for S.M.A.R.T. people.

You want your goals to be Specific—"Lose weight" is not specific. However, "Lose 20 pounds" is specific.

Measurable —"Become healthy" is not measurable. Though, "Become healthy enough to be able to run for 30 minutes at a 10 minute mile pace without stopping" is something where your progress can be measured day by day, week by week, until the goal is achieved.

Attainable —"Make a million dollars this year" is probably not an attainable goal if you are currently unemployed and living in the Super 8 Motel. So set a goal that will stretch you, but not break you. A goal that is so far beyond your reasonable reach will actually demotivate you more than it will motivate you.

Relevant —Some people call the "R" in SMART "Reasonable" or "Realistic" but those concepts are contained in Attainable. Relevant deals with having a goal that is relevant to your current life situation and your personal mission in life. Sure it may be time for some major changes in your life, however consider the relevance of a goal like "To travel from coast to coast by motorcycle" if you are currently a stay-at-home dad with 3 kids under 6 years old. Your current mission to care for you little ones is more relevant to who you are (at least currently). And raising kids is more adventurous than any motorcycle ride could ever be!

And your goals need to be Time-Sensitive —"Write my first book" is not time-sensitive. The goal needs a deadline. "Write my first book and have it available to show to potential publishers by December 31" is time-sensitive.

And finally, my new addition to the acronym: Your Yippee-Ki-Yay Goals — too often people set great and very SMART goes that are not truly their goals and not personally exciting. You need your goals to be YOUR goals. Don’t set goals that you think someone else wants for your life. And don’t set out to achieve a goal that just sounds like a good idea. Setting goals based on these factors will cause more despair in your heart than receiving a sack full of coal in your Christmas stocking. Your goals must be what you want. And your goals have got to have a lot of Yippee-ness to them. If the goal you are thinking about setting doesn’t excite you now, it certainly won’t in 60 days when resistance is kicking in — you’ll just give the goal the boot and send it out with the trash.

So double check those resolutions and make sure that they are S.M.A.R.T.Y.

I know, this can seem like too much work, but I promise that this process is SOOOO worth it.

Enjoy. 🥳

To Grow or Not To Grow? That is the Question

Sure, we all know the drill: gravity pulls, the sun sets, and someday, the curtain closes on our personal stage. But that's not the only kind of death lurking around. There's a quieter, stealthier one that can creep in during our daily routines, disguised as comfort and familiarity. It's the death of stagnation, the slow fossilization of our potential.

Helen Keller, a woman who knew a thing or two about overcoming limitations, once declared, "Life is a daring adventure, or it is nothing." And she was right. Life isn't meant to be a museum exhibit, a perfectly preserved specimen under glass. It's a vibrant jungle gym, a swirling kaleidoscope of experiences waiting to be explored. Every day is a chance to stretch our limbs, climb new branches, and paint our own vibrant colors on the canvas of existence.

In order to maintain a growth mindset, think of yourself as a seed. Seeds are bursting with potential, waiting for the right conditions to sprout, unfurl, and reach for the sun. We, too, are brimming with possibilities. We can learn new things, challenge old beliefs, and expand our horizons like the universe itself. Every experience, every stumble, every laugh is a brushstroke on the masterpiece of our becoming.

So, let's water our curiosity, nurture our courage, and push past the comfort zone. Death may be inevitable, but stagnation is a choice. Choose growth, choose expansion, choose to be the most vibrant, daring version of yourself. Because life, your life, is meant to grow.

Your Attitude Determines Your Magnitude: Turn Up the Positivity Dial!

Let's face it, life throws us the unexpected. Whether it's rain on a day that was supposed to be sunny, a burnt batch of Christmas cookies, or just the normal moments of sadness that we can experience when things go differently than planned (see my post from yesterday, 26 December).

Our attitude plays a major role in how we handle the unexpected. And guess what? It's not just about gritting your teeth and powering through (you’ll end up with a locked jaw and that is no fun). A positive attitude can actually amplify your success in incredible ways.

Think of it like this: your attitude is the volume knob on your life's amplifier. Crank it up with optimism, resilience, and a sprinkle of humor, and watch your achievements boom! Even if you only have the energy to give it a little boost, this will make a huge difference. As Brian Tracy wisely said, "Make a game of finding something positive in every situation. Ninety-five percent of your emotions are determined by how you interpret events to yourself."

So, how do we level up our positivity game? Here are a few quick tips:

  • Dial in a Reframe. Instead of seeing challenges as roadblocks, view them as opportunities to learn and grow. Remember, every mountain hike starts with a single step (and maybe a comfy pair of socks and a good pair of hiking boots).

  • Dial up the Gratitude. Take a moment each day to appreciate the good stuff, big or small. A delicious cup of coffee, a funny “kids do the cutest things” video, a supportive friend – all fuel your positive vibes.

  • Dial in some Joy. Positivity is contagious, so share your smile, offer a helping hand, and be the sunshine on someone else's cloudy day. You'll be surprised how it boosts your own mood too!

Remember, a positive attitude isn't about ignoring the negative; it's about choosing how you react to it. By turning up the positivity dial (even if slightly), you'll not only navigate life's challenges with grace, but you'll also attract success, happiness, and maybe even enjoy eating a burnt cookie. 😋

Finding Joy in a Slightly Sad Christmas

December 26th, 7 something-ish in the morning....

The leftover food had been put away, the wrapping paper had been collected for recycling, all of the dishes had been washed, all of the toys picked up, and the ornaments that had become projectiles had been re-hung on the tree.

My house was completely quiet.

I brewed a cup of coffee, sat outside on the porch, and cried.

I cried because this Christmas was such a real reminder that our human experience is one of emotional highs and emotional lows.

This year's Christmas felt very different from previous ones. There was an undercurrent of sadness that weaved through the laughter and holiday music. Plans had to be changed and rearranged.

Two of my kids were absent from Christmas celebrations with me this year. My youngest son could not come over due to COVID. He was not feeling well. The gift of staying in bed all day was what he wanted from Santa Claus. My oldest daughter…I never heard from her. I really wish I knew what was going on.

Empty chairs at the table ached with the absence of loved ones.

And then there were the tears that visited me this morning. Not the happy kind that can come with unwrapping the perfect gift, but the quiet, heartbroken kind that welled up in my eyes like I was carrying a burden heavier than fruitcake.

I really wanted to be happy, cheerful, and joyful. And there was plenty to celebrate.

Was I not being thankful for people who made special efforts to hang out? Was I forgetting so many thoughtful gifts given and received? Was I forgetting the fun and laughter that we were able to share?

Yes, these are all whispers of joy that remind me that even in the midst of sadness, there are blessings to be received.

But I also know that sadness is part of the human experience, too. My tears are a reminder that I am a whole person. My tears reveal to me my deep longings, my love, my care, and my full range of emotions. I don’t need to try to make my tears go away. I don’t need to ask for the receipt so that I can take them back to the store and exchange them for something else. No, I should keep them. I need to keep them.

Christmas isn’t always about shiny ornaments, overflowing plates of food, and getting everything you asked Santa Claus for. It isn't always picture-perfect and doesn’t always end like a Hallmark movie.

Sometimes, Christmas is about finding solace in the quiet corners, in the shared emotions, and in the time spent together.

Sometimes, it's about holding onto the tiny sparks of joy that light up the darkness, like the twinkling lights in my front yard.

And sometimes, Christmas is about finding joy in a gift of tears.

Expressing Your Unique Note in Life's Grand Concert

Have you ever wondered why you're here? What makes your soul hum, your spirit dance? We often search for meaning in grand gestures, chasing achievements, accolades, and stuff — lots of stuff. But perhaps the truest purpose lies not in the spotlight, but in the quiet hum of our own unique melody.

Imagine life as a vast, intricate mosaic. Each of us, a tiny, vibrant tile, holding a color, a texture, a nuance no one else possesses. We come together, not to compete, but to complement. Some tiles sing in vibrant hues, their passions painting bold strokes across the canvas. Others, like whispered brushstrokes, add depth and dimension. The bricklayer, the baker, the ballerina, the balloon artist - all play their part in the grand concert of life.

As Martin Luther King Jr. so beautifully said, "If a person is called to be a street sweeper, they should sweep the streets as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven composed music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry." It's not about the grandiosity of the task, but the artistry with which we approach it. It's the teacher infusing their lessons with joy, the doctor mending with a gentle touch, the artist weaving stories word by word.

My friend, don't silence your inner song. Let your purpose shine, not in the pursuit of external validation, but in the quiet joy of expressing your authentic self. Dance like no one's watching (no TikTok needed), sing with your whole heart (even if off key), and find the magic in the mundane (look for everyday miracles). Remember, your unique note, however soft, is vital to the harmony of the universe. Let your spirit soar, and together, we'll compose a masterpiece of a life.