Feeling Stuck? Remember the Magic of the First Week of January (and Every Other Starting Point!)

Still feeling stuck in a rut? Still not exactly sure of what fabulous and awesome goals to set for 2024? You're not alone. Here's the secret weapon we humans often overlook: the power of fresh starting points.

Think about it. New Year's resolutions, birthdays, even Monday mornings – these aren't just dates on a calendar. They're portals, opportunities to step into a brighter version of ourselves.

As Katy Milkman, a researcher from Wharton School, puts it, "Fresh starts give us this extra motivation to pursue change. It's like 'That was the old me. This is the new me, and the new me has a clean slate and can do it.'"

The beauty of fresh starts is their abundance. You don't need to toss 2024 awesomeness out with the Christmas leftovers if you failed to set New Year goals by January 1st.

Take the whole first week of January to get your goals ready. (And even if you can’t get it all perfect and planned out by the end of this week I’ll give you some more options).

Every week, every day, even every hour is a chance to begin anew. Remember that nagging voice urging you to get active or eat healthier? That's your own personal starting pistol, ready to propel you into a new chapter of wellbeing.

Research backs this up. Milkman and her team discovered that simply highlighting an upcoming birthday could lead people to save more for retirement. Imagine what flagging any day this first week of January as a fresh start opportunity could do for your life!

So, the next time you feel stuck, remember:

  • Change is always possible. Fresh starts are everywhere, waiting to be embraced.

  • Embrace the little victories. A new week, a finished task, a healthy meal – they all count as fresh beginnings.

  • Believe in the new you. That clean slate mentality is powerful. Let it fuel your motivation and unleash your potential.

Remember, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. And sometimes, that single step is simply declaring, "This is my fresh start, today’s the day, and I'm going for it!"

Now go out there and conquer your first week of January, your Mondays, your birthdays, and every other fresh start life throws your way! 🙂