Forget the Goal, Become the Person: Why Growth Outshines Gold Every Time

We're goal-obsessed. Or at least most people are on New Year’s Eve. What resolutions did you set for yourself yesterday?

I do love goals….as I’ve written before, I love anything that gets me and you thinking about achieving something new.

Run a marathon! Write a bestselling novel! Make a million bucks! (That last one, especially, is popular). But while shiny prizes like trophies and bank accounts tempt us, there is something better to pursue.

Pursue who you need to become.

Success guru Jim Rohn, has often shared that his mentor taught him to strive to become the person who could achieve the big goal. That is, ask yourself, “Who do I need to become in order to achieve _____________?” (insert your awesome goal in the blank).

Instead of fixating on the finish line, focus on something far more valuable: your transformation.

Because let's face it, the thrill of achieving a goal will fade. But the person you become in the pursuit? That's permanent.

Think about it:

  • To master that marathon, you'll cultivate grit and discipline. No more snoozing through alarm clocks – you'll be a sunrise warrior, embracing sweat and self-belief.

  • Writing that novel? You'll tap into creativity and resilience. Goodbye, writer's block! Hello, world-builder who doesn't flinch at rejections.

  • Chasing that million? You'll hone your skills and business acumen. Forget the money – you'll be a strategist, a leader, a problem-solver extraordinaire.

The real treasure isn't the trophy, it's the person who lifts it. You become stronger, sharper, more of the fabulous YOU that you are. And that, my friends, is a win that keeps on winning.

So, this year, ask yourself: "Who do I need to become to reach my goals?"

Do you need to cultivate courage? Hone your communication skills? Embrace vulnerability?

Gold is great, but growth is better. The journey matters more than the destination, and the person you forge along the way is the ultimate prize.

Share your growth goals in the online comments on the social media links, and let's celebrate the amazing people we're all in the process of becoming. 🙂