For Better or Worse, You're At Where You're At

Hey there, fellow traveler on this glorious, messy journey called life. Let's talk about a truth bomb, shall we? You are exactly where you're supposed to be, for better or worse. No, not in some cosmically ordained way that negates your free will, but in the sense that this moment, this exact mix of triumphs and stumbles, is the stepping stone to the next.

It can be tempting to squint at the horizon, imagining a future self bathed in accomplishment, success, and the accolades of a million Instagram followers. But hold on, amigo. Before zooming off into "what could be," let's take a good, honest look at the "what is."

I reflect this to you, as much as to myself.

I have been in “full project mode” since the beginning of this year. And although I’ve made some great progress, I’m not as far along as I hoped I’d be by now. Some things are taking SO MUCH longer than I was planning. SO MUCH longer. Ugh.

So here I am this Friday evening at 5:48 reflecting on the week, reorganizing tasks, and re-prioritizing (again) my to-do list.

Think of your goals like taking a drive through a new city. You wouldn't plot a course without first making sure you know your current location, would you? So, where are you? Maybe you are crushing your career goals, radiating confidence, and waking up with a purpose-fueled grin? Or maybe you're feeling a little stuck in quicksand like me, questioning every choice and desperately craving a change of scenery.

Neither scenario deserves judgment, just acknowledgment. Because knowing where you are is the first step to getting where you want to go.

This isn't about wallowing or celebrating – it's about clarity. It's about taking a deep breath and acknowledging the landscape you've traversed, the mountains you've scaled, and the unexpected detours that landed you where you currently are with your plans.

So, grab a large piece of paper, a cup of something invigorating (I’ve got some herbal tea), and get real with yourself. It’s time to assess the situation.

I find that doing something called “the splash down method” is quite helpful. What’s that you ask? Great question.

It’s essentially writing everything down that you are currently working on, had planned to do, need to do, want to do, ought to do, etc.

Get it all out of your head and heart and “splash it down” on a piece of paper. It doesn’t have to look pretty. It’s a splash.

Then review the paper and put a colorful circle around what is most important for the rest of the day today. After that, put a circle (preferably in a different color) around that which is most important for tomorrow. Prioritize what you circled for today and tomorrow. That’s it.

Don’t make it any more complicated than figuring out what you really need to do now, and then what you need to do next.

As you do this exercise, pay attention to some things that you might be hesitant to write down because they don’t feel like honorable tasks: Resting. Eating. Meditating. Calling a loved one. Going to the bathroom. Getting something to drink. Checking in on those kids of yours (“I wonder if they are missing? I haven’t heard them yelling for several hours…hmm). Etc. You do need to make sure to not neglect your selfcare and that of others.

Remember, growth doesn't always look like a straight line. Sometimes it's a meandering path, sprinkled with U-turns and unexpected vistas. But as long as you're moving, as long as you're learning, you're on the right track. So, breathe easy, traveler. You're exactly where you need to be.

Now, grab that piece of paper, write it all down, and plan out those immediate next steps. 🙂