Juggling Chainsaws and Sunflowers: The Struggle of Misalignment

Imagine balancing precariously on a unicycle, juggling flaming chainsaws while simultaneously trying to smell a sunflower.

Total chaos, right? (And if you’re like me, the very idea of a unicycle sounds chaotic.)

That's the feeling of misalignment in a nutshell – a constant, wobbly dance between who we are and how we live.

We chase promotions that don't spark joy, cling to relationships that drain us, cram our schedules with hobbies we barely have time for and don’t really care about, smile through meetings that suck the joy out of the room, and fill our calendars with way too many "shoulds" instead of fabulous "dreams."

We become experts at compartmentalizing, wearing different inauthentic masks for different spheres of our lives. But beneath the surface, a nagging dissonance hums. We feel the strain.


Because somewhere along the way, our inner compasses got hacked.

This misalignment whispers in our ear at 3 AM. It manifests itself as a chronic low-grade anxiety, and shows up in the way we snap at loved ones or drag ourselves through workdays. It's the reason we feel like we're constantly running in place, never truly arriving anywhere.

Living misaligned, my friend, is like wearing someone else's ill-fitting shoes. Every step pinches, every stumble causes deep pain. Stress becomes a chronic houseguest, and happiness takes a permanent vacation. We yearn for the days when work feels like more than just clocking in, and relationships feel less like juggling flaming chainsaws.

But here's the good news: misalignment is a solvable puzzle, not an eternal curse.

The misalignment we feel is a call to action, a chance to rebalance the unicycle, extinguish the flaming chainsaws (and probably put them down — they’re dangerous even while not on fire), and finally inhale that sunflower's sweet scent.

Now we can peel back the layers of life, listen to our true selves, and align our lives with what actually makes us tick.

So, let's ditch the juggling act, embrace the wobbly unicycle, and chase after the sunflowers.

Because in the end, a life lived in alignment, even with its occasional wobbles, is a life overflowing with joy, purpose, and the sweet, intoxicating scent of your authenticity. 🙂