Week 5 Check-In: Are We Still In The Maze?

Hello, fellow maze-runners!

It's now Week 5 of 2024.

Are the echoes of "NEW YEAR. NEW ME!" fading like a pair of well-worn Levi’s?

Did you really promise yourself to learn how to recite poetry in Mandarin Chinese while juggling bowling balls on a unicycle?

Thankfully not.

But you did set some big goals for 2024 and you’ve probably failed to hit them 100% of the time.

Guess what? That’s totally OKAY.

I took a little bit of time yesterday to do some “reflecting on the week” as I usually do on Sundays (I highly recommend this Sunday reflection time for you as well).

As I looked over the last 4 weeks of the year I was very proud of myself for what I had accomplished so far AND I could see a few areas where some adjustments needed to be made. Areas where I feel like I am literally bumping into some walls as I try to figure my way around the 2024 goal maze.

Remember, personal growth isn't a straight shot to the finish line. It's a labyrinth of twists, turns, and dead ends, where we stumble, learn, and (hopefully) find our way.

So, how's your maze looking?

Where are you winning?

Let's celebrate the wins! Did you finally conquer that yoga pose? Smashed your reading goal? Aced that presentation? Own those achievements! They're proof you're moving forward, even if not in a straight line.

Where are your walls?

Be honest, what's been a struggle? Is it the late-night carb cravings sabotaging your fitness goals? Or the procrastination monster devouring your to-do list? Identifying the roadblocks is half the battle.

Where do you need to re-work the plan?

Remember, getting through the maze is a process. You’ve got to be flexible. Maybe your goals need a re-working and a tweaking, or perhaps your approach needs a re-thinky-dink. 🤔

Don't be afraid to pivot, experiment, and find a path that works for YOU.

Here's the truth: goal achieving isn't about perfection. It's about showing up, learning, and adapting.

So, take a deep breath, fellow maze-dwellers. (I mean it — Breathe. Now.)

We're all in this together, bumping into walls and celebrating victories. Let's keep exploring, keep learning, and keep finding our way, one twist and turn at a time.

Now, go forth and conquer your maze the best you can!

And remember, I'll be here cheering you on every step of the way. 🙂