When Your "Frog" Tastes Like Styrofoam: Why Forcing Goals Can Backfire

So, you read about "Eat That Frog" in yesterday’s blog (if not, now’s your chance). You got all fired up to conquer the toughest task first thing in the morning, right?

But then...nope. Nada. Motivation level zero.

If the thought of chomping down on that frog makes your stomach churn like a washing machine on a spin cycle, consider this: Maybe it's not the frog itself, but the pond your frog came from.

What do I mean?

Here's the thing: some goals, no matter how juicy they might seem to others, can make your soul feel like it’s chewing on styrofoam.

These goals might belong to someone else's vision, but not yours.

Maybe it's the prestigious career climb that leaves you cold and bitter, the picture-perfect Instagram life that feels like a costume, or the side hustle that sucks the joy out of your beloved hobby.

When you're out of alignment with your true soul-inspired desires, even the most "froggy" goals feel like swallowing swamp juice.

The drive, the passion, the "get-it-done" fire...they're all fueled by something deeper than just checking boxes. Your heart needs to be in it all the way, too.

So, before you force-feed yourself that frog, take a breath and listen inwards.

What sparks joy in your soul? What makes you lose track of time? What gets you excited to chase the day?

And guess what? When you pursue those, the frog eating gets easier, not harder.

The "ugh" turns into "whoop, whoop!" The struggle turns into flow. Because when you're aligned with your own inner-self empowered compass, even the biggest frog becomes a delicious bite on the path to your true north.

So, ditch the styrofoam goals. And listen to your soul's whispers.

And go find yourself a nice pond with a frog that at least looks a little more edible.

Because when you're aligned, even eating the toughest frogs will leave you feeling very, very satisfied. 🙂