Ditch the "Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda" Chorus: Sing Your "Gotta, Gonna, Willa" Song!

Ever feel like your life's stuck on repeat, playing the same old "Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda" movie soundtrack?

We all have those moments where the past whispers it's a sad trombone solo, reminding us of missed opportunities and paths not taken (Cue sad trombone music please!).

But here's the truth, my friend: dwelling in that dusty attic of regret is like trying to jumpstart your car with a paperclip. It ain't happening.

Sure, the past is a handy reference library, but it's not a comfortable bed to sleep in.

Instead of replaying the "if only" movie and its sad soundtrack on loop, let's rewrite the entire script! Let's trade in those tired "Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda" lyrics for a power ballad of "Gotta, Gonna, Willa!"

And this isn’t just feel-good fluff. There’s actually a lot of science behind it.

Our thoughts and what we say to ourselves become our reality, and dwelling on the past mishaps zaps the energy we need to create an awesome future. It's like holding a giant, neon "STUCK" sign above our heads, attracting more of the same stuckness.

So, how do we drown out the "Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda" chorus and crank up the "Gotta, Gonna, Willa" anthem?

Here's the plan:

  • Acknowledge the past, then ditch it. Thank it for the lessons, then gently nudge it out the door. It's served its purpose, now it's time to make room for new adventures.

  • Focus on the present. Look around. Accept where you're at currently and why you need to make some oh so immediate changes. What step (even if it’s a small one) can you take right now to move closer to your dream? Every "gotta" starts with recognizing and accepting how imperative it is to make some changes around here!

  • Embrace the "gonna" spirit. Yes, there will be challenges. But instead of shrinking back, say "I'm gonna do this!" That fire in your belly is the fuel for your rocket ship. 5-4-3-2-1 launch!

  • Change your inner “willa.” Remember that sassy, unstoppable force you were when you were a kid? Reunite with your inner kid power. The one who believes you can climb mountains, write symphonies, and fly!

The past is a reference point, not a parking lot. We learn from it, grow from it, but it’s no place to live.

So, let's rewrite your script with a new soundtrack.

Instead of drowning in could-have-beens, let's dive headfirst into the gonna-be-greats.

The past is a story you've already written.

The future?

Well, that's an open opportunity begging for your "Gotta, Gonna, Willa" song of victory! 🙂