Nachos Supreme or Spiritual Nudge: How to Discern the Voice of God From the Voice of Indigestion

Last night I was out with some friends for a Christmas fiesta at a local sports bar. I ordered the nachos supreme and a club soda. Normally, I would have had a nice draft cerveza to wash down my treat, but I’ve been cutting back on alcohol recently and will probably just ditch it completely (a future post will be about the pros and cons of “going dry,” or as my latino friends call it, becoming “muy aburrido”). Anyway, working my way through that mound of nachos got me thinking about spirituality — yeah, that’s how my mind works.

Here’s my profound culinary insight.

Sometimes, after a plate of cheesy nachos supreme, you're left with a different kind of supreme: the supreme discomfort of “woah, fire below!” It's a feeling that can mimic anything from a gentle nudge to a full-blown spiritual epiphany, leaving you wondering: was that a divine message, or just my stomach groaning in protest?

Fear not, fellow nacho-lovers and seeker-of-truths! Discerning the voice of God from indigestion is a delicate art, but with a few key ingredients, you can navigate the nacho-infused spiritual landscape with confidence.

Ingredient #1: Timing is important. Since nachos are not exactly the fuel for divine revelations you need to consider when you hear from God. If a "message" hits you in your soul right after a plateful, chances are it's your digestive system sending distress signals. Give it some time to settle, maybe take a nap or drink a warm, calming cup of chamomile tea. If the message persists, then it's worth considering it further.

Ingredient #2: Listen to your gut, but not literally. Your gut feeling can be a powerful guide, but in this case, it's best to keep it metaphorical. If the "message" feels off, unsettling, or filled with nacho-induced anxieties, it's probably not the divine calling you've been waiting for. True spiritual nudges are often gentle, uplifting, and leave you feeling at peace, not heartburn-stricken.

Ingredient #3: Seek more clarity, not more pico de gallo. If the message lingers, don't just sit there with some Tums and a furrowed brow. Talk to a trusted friend, spiritual advisor, or even a coach (like me!). Sharing your experience can help you gain perspective and discern whether the message is truly divine or just a nacho-induced hallucination.

Ingredient #4: Remember, God is not a nacho. Okay, maybe a bit dramatic, but the point is, God's messages are rarely delivered in the form of food cravings. If the message is all about ordering another round of nachos, well, that's probably just your inner glutton trying to have its way. True spiritual nudges are about growth, service, and connecting with something bigger than ourselves.

Ingredient #5: Trust yourself. Ultimately, you are the best judge of what feels right for you. If a message resonates with your soul, even after the nacho fog clears, then embrace it! It might just be the divine nudge you've been waiting for.

So, the next time you find yourself pondering a nacho-induced "message," remember: take a breath, assess the situation, and approach it with a healthy dose of humor and discernment. After all, even the most devout nacho-lover can appreciate the difference between a divine calling and a case of heartburn.

Now, go forth and enjoy your nachos, but remember, true spiritual fulfillment comes from listening to God, not just your stomach.

Namaste, and happy nacho-ing!