Level Up Your Life: 3 Tiny Tweaks for a Healthier You (No Gym Required!)

New year coming up? As hard as it is to believe that 2023 is shutting down soon, 2024 is coming — ready or not!

I am a big proponent of goals, resolutions, proclamations, intentions, declarations, and anything that gets you affirming a fabulous future. Even a hardy, “Hear ye, hear ye, I will now floss my teeth everyday” is a powerful force of change that more people than just your dentist will be smiling about. 😁

Ditch the boring resolutions and let's hack your health in 2024 with 3 simple habits that will make you feel like a superhero (minus the cape, unless you're into that). You don’t have to have restrictive diets and endless gym sessions in order to get great results. You can set fun, easy, and sustainable changes that fit your life like a pair of comfy sweatpants. (Though, regardless, please make sure to floss your teeth in 2024. It’s kinda gross if you don’t.)

1. Eat Like a Winner (Most of the Time)

Healthy people don’t have to be super strict diet adhering saints who shun pizza forever. They're smart snackers who know the power of moderation. Think of it as a VIP pass to deliciousness: Most of the time (let’s go with about 80% of the time) you fuel your body with awesome stuff like fresh fruits, veggies, whole grains, and non-processed foods. But on some occasions (the other 20%) that's your "treat yo' self" zone. Craving some fries and a sugar cookie? Go for it! Just remember, it's all about balance, not deprivation. You'll be amazed how much better you feel when you eat like a winner (most of the time).

2. Move Your Groove (Even if it's Just a Mini-Boogie)

Forget the gym-rat stereotype. Healthy people are movement masters, weaving activity into their day like ninjas. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, do a quick dance break during that Zoom meeting, park your car farther away from the store and get in some extra steps, or challenge your kids to a living room obstacle course. Every little bit counts! Look for creative ways to sneak in exercise here and there throughout the day. You’ll be amazed at the opportunities that exist. And you’ll have more energy because of it!

3. Plan Like a Pro (and Avoid Hangry Meltdowns)

Healthy people are mealtime magicians, prepping healthy lunches the night before, chopping veggies for on-the-go snacks, and cooking big batches of deliciousness to avoid hangry tantrums. Imagine: no more scrambling for takeout after a long day! You'll have time to relax, eat like a king (or queen!), and conquer the world (or at least your laundry pile and that junk drawer).

Bonus tip: Stress less, laugh more. Chronic stress is the enemy of a more holistic, healthier, and happier you. So find your chill zone, whether it's yoga, meditation, bubble baths, or taking your dog (or someone else’s) for a walk. Life's not much fun if stressing is all you’ve done.

Remember, tiny changes add up to big results. So ditch the pressure, embrace the fun, and watch your health soar! You've got this, champ!