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Stuck in a Rut? Your Mind is Begging for a Growth Spurt!

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Stuck In A Rut? Your Mind is Begging for a Growth Spurt! (audio) Brenton Weathers

Ever feel like you're spinning your wheels, going nowhere fast?

Like you're the same person you were, oh, let's say...a year ago?


Newsflash: stagnation is the enemy of awesome.

That's where the growth mindset swoops in, cape billowing and brain muscles flexing.

Imagine your brain is a garden. With a fixed mindset, it's like planting the same wilted petunia every day. Not a good looking garden.

But with a growth mindset, it's a wildflower meadow bursting with potential. Every experience, every challenge, even every epic fail, is fertilizer for your brainpower. A glorious and growing garden indeed.

Think you're bad at public speaking? See it as a chance to unleash your inner Tony Robbins (even if you are not as gigantic as he is).

Bombed that test? It's a treasure trove of learning, a map to guide your studying next time.

Remember, every setback is a setup for a comeback, and comebacks are way more interesting than reruns of the same old you.

Here's the secret sauce: constant learning. You’ve got to devour books, podcasts, articles – anything that ignites your curiosity.

But don't just passively consume; you’ve got to actively evaluate what you are learning.

Ask yourself:

  • What can you apply to your life?

  • How can you level up your skills?

This isn't about checking boxes; it's about becoming the best version of yourself, the one who laughs in the face of challenges and embraces growth like a long-lost friend.

And don't forget the self-reflection. Ask yourself these powerful questions:

  • Am I better today than yesterday?

  • Did I learn something new?

  • Did I push myself outside my comfort zone?

If the answer is "nope," don't sweat it. Just tweak your approach, get going on some SMARTY goals (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Sensitive, and Yippee-Ki-Yay), and get back on track. (For more on SMARTY goals see this blog post. Here’s the link: SMARTY Goals)

Remember, progress, not perfection, is the name of the game. At least with this concept. (For an explanation on the distinction about this, see yesterday’s blog post. Here’s the link: Almost: When "Close" Counts (and When it Doesn't)).

So, ditch the mental stagnation and embrace the growth spurt!

Your brain, your future self, and even the rest of us will thank you for it.

Now go forth and conquer, you magnificent, ever-evolving being! 🙂

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