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SMARTY Goals for Smart People (like you!)

The year is almost over.

A lot of this info I included in a post from a year ago, but I’m updating it a bit because I feel that there is something more (and very important) to include — a new “Y” in the SMART goal setting process.

Anyway, it's that time of the year when most people take to dreaming again—thinking, hoping, wishing, and planning for something new in the New Year. About 50% of Americans will set (to some degree or another) New Year's Resolutions, yet a staggering few actually accomplish them. According to the statistics, only 8% of those who set New Year's Resolutions actually reach them.

But that's not you, right?

Personally, I love to set goals. I really do. Perhaps that makes me a bit weird, but I get a lot of pleasure out of determining a goal, mapping out a course for achieving it, and then reaching it. The process is fun and exhilarating for me.

A quick review on goal setting for S.M.A.R.T. people.

You want your goals to be Specific—"Lose weight" is not specific. However, "Lose 20 pounds" is specific.

Measurable —"Become healthy" is not measurable. Though, "Become healthy enough to be able to run for 30 minutes at a 10 minute mile pace without stopping" is something where your progress can be measured day by day, week by week, until the goal is achieved.

Attainable —"Make a million dollars this year" is probably not an attainable goal if you are currently unemployed and living in the Super 8 Motel. So set a goal that will stretch you, but not break you. A goal that is so far beyond your reasonable reach will actually demotivate you more than it will motivate you.

Relevant —Some people call the "R" in SMART "Reasonable" or "Realistic" but those concepts are contained in Attainable. Relevant deals with having a goal that is relevant to your current life situation and your personal mission in life. Sure it may be time for some major changes in your life, however consider the relevance of a goal like "To travel from coast to coast by motorcycle" if you are currently a stay-at-home dad with 3 kids under 6 years old. Your current mission to care for you little ones is more relevant to who you are (at least currently). And raising kids is more adventurous than any motorcycle ride could ever be!

And your goals need to be Time-Sensitive —"Write my first book" is not time-sensitive. The goal needs a deadline. "Write my first book and have it available to show to potential publishers by December 31" is time-sensitive.

And finally, my new addition to the acronym: Your Yippee-Ki-Yay Goals — too often people set great and very SMART goes that are not truly their goals and not personally exciting. You need your goals to be YOUR goals. Don’t set goals that you think someone else wants for your life. And don’t set out to achieve a goal that just sounds like a good idea. Setting goals based on these factors will cause more despair in your heart than receiving a sack full of coal in your Christmas stocking. Your goals must be what you want. And your goals have got to have a lot of Yippee-ness to them. If the goal you are thinking about setting doesn’t excite you now, it certainly won’t in 60 days when resistance is kicking in — you’ll just give the goal the boot and send it out with the trash.

So double check those resolutions and make sure that they are S.M.A.R.T.Y.

I know, this can seem like too much work, but I promise that this process is SOOOO worth it.

Enjoy. 🥳