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Putting Instant Coffee In The Microwave In Order To Go Back In Time: And Other Creative Methods Of Time Travel

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Putting Instant Coffee In The Microwave In Order To Go Back In Time (audio) Brenton Weathers

Here’s my annual birthday blog post. (Cue the birthday music).

Hopefully someone out there is a Steven Wright fan and will catch the joke in the title (my dad at least will). Oh how I loved listening to Steven Wright jokes as a kid…

But apparently, I’m not a kid anymore…my mostly bald head and graying beard remind me of that on a daily basis. (Maybe I’ll get a toupee and a “Wash That Gray Right Of Your Beard” coloring kit for my birthday?)

Well, today I celebrate turning 35 (yet again).

I’ve turned 35 so often that I’ve actually forgotten how old I really am (I’m going to check my driver’s license real quick…hold on a sec. Oh my, I’m actually a lot older than I thought…this is NOT good).

I’m going to choose to ignore THAT reality and focus on something a bit more fun….how about some "You know you're getting older when…." jokes?

  • "You know you're getting older when...all of your favorite music can be found in the bargain bin at Walmart." (Go 80’s music!)

  • "You know you're getting older when...a 'late night' is 11pm." (Totally me…but in my defense I do get up very early.)

  • "You know you're getting older have a birthday party and your neighbors don't even realize it." (Yep, mine will probably be fairly quiet…but fun, nonetheless.)

  • “You know you're getting older when your idea of a wild night is ordering takeout pizza and watching two movies.” (Also, totally me. I can be a bit of a “gotta stay disciplined” kind of guy, so going against my diet and taking in excessive amounts of TV does sound a bit wild.)

  • “You know you're getting older when you start referring to your 20’s as ‘the good old days.’” (Yep. Carefree and living in Mexico. Puras fiestas!)

And I would add:

  • "You know you're getting older when...on your birthday you spend most of the day reflecting upon your life."

Am I the only one who does this “birthday reflecting"?

Here’s my thought: A birthday is a great day to look back over the past year and see what you can learn.

Personally, as I reflect on my past year, I readily note that it has been pretty though.

I had many health problems. Thankfully minor. But I was sick a lot more than I usually am. My fiancé and I went through some very difficult times with our business. My finances took a huge hit. And there were several important relationships that became very strained.

However, these difficulties have prompted and inspired me to make some changes.

My health is getting better, we’ve made some major business adjustments, we’re seeking to make wiser financial decisions, and I’m hoping to have some conversations soon in order to seek reconciliation and relationship improvement.

Whether it’s also your birthday today or not (and more than likely you’ll celebrate one this year — even those who were born on February 29th will get a chance to celebrate!), I invite you to consider two important questions:

  • First, "What are your biggest lessons from your past year?"

  • Second, “What changes do you need to make based on those lessons?”

And there is also an opportunity to take that reflection even further.

Think of how awesome it is to take all of your lessons, triumphs, and wisdom gained in ALL of your previous years and use them as a platform on which to grow into the next year of your life.

You can take all of those life experiences, all of who you are up to this point, and make the next year even better!

By doing this, you are able to compound your past into your future. This is a great gift to give yourself. Make it big and make it wonderful.

Now, instead of wishing on candles, light the fire of your own ambition and make this year BLAZE!

As you celebrate your birthday this year, blow out those candles and excitedly proclaim, “THIS YEAR WILL BE MY BEST YEAR EVER! YIPPEE!!!”

I know I will. 🥳

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