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Life's A Blind Date With The Universe: Embracing The “THIS Is Not What I Was Expecting…”

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Life's A Blind Date Night With The Universe (audio) Brenton Weathers

Ever trip over the sidewalk crack you weren't looking for? Life's kinda like that – a wobbly adventure paved with surprises, both delightful and, well, not-so-delightful.

We cling to our "knowns" – that the sun will rise tomorrow, that our coffee pot won't spontaneously sprout wings and fly off, and that our neighbor’s dog won’t somehow learn to open the doors to our house and decide to throw a party in our living room.

But the truth is, my friend, everything lives in the unknown – nestled snugly in the "what ifs" and "maybes" and the “this is not what I was expectings” that season our days.

Sure, stepping out of the house and seeing that your car is missing feels like an epic betrayal by The Universe. "Why me, cosmic car thieves?!" (This has happened to me twice.)

But honestly, even that shiny hunk of metal on wheels wasn't guaranteed.

A flat tire in a deserted stretch of road? Boom, instant unknown. (I’ve been there, too.)

And then there are the big unknowns, the gut punches that leave you gasping for air.

The job offer that disappears, the loved one who suddenly fades away, the health scare that shakes you, the sudden death of your best friend.

These are the moments when our souls cry out, “What happened? Why?” Moments where our spiritual resilience gets a workout.

But however much we do not like uncertainty, we need to embrace it.

Uncertainty isn’t some evil villain lurking in the shadows waiting to devour us.

It's the space where possibilities bloom, where courage flexes its muscles, and where we continue writing the damn story of our lives.

Sure, you can wallow in the "why me?"s, but that’s not going to get you very far down the road of life.

What can you do when you face uncertainty?

Here’s a few tips…

  • First, accept the uncertainty. It's not a bug in the system, it's actually a special feature. Embrace the fact that you don't have all the answers, and that's okay.

  • Second, focus on what you can control. Channel your energy into things you can actually influence, like your own reactions, your emotions, your choices, and your growth.

  • Third, find the silver lining. Even in the darkest of nights, there's always a sliver of moon peeking through. Look for the lessons, the opportunities, and the unexpected beauty that arises from the ashes.

  • Lastly, (and oh so important) please be kind to yourself. You're not a superhero deft at managing uncertainty with supernatural powers from beyond, you're a human being. Give yourself grace, take breaks, and remember, you're not alone on this wild mystery ride.

So, sign up for that blind date with The Universe. Get dressed up in your fancy date night clothes and head out to meet the unknown.

You might just discover that the best bits of the story are waiting for you in the shadows of uncertainty…just beyond the familiar.

The greatest adventures are always on the other side of the "what if I ________ ?”

Fill in that blank, then go ahead, and take the next courageous step. 🙂

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