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Letting Go Of Knowing

I love this quote by Winnie the Pooh: "Sometimes if you stand on the bottom rail of a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you suddenly know everything there is to be known."

Ah yes….the pure wisdom from a loveable yellow bear.

There is much that just watching a river run beneath can teach you. The simpleness of life. The peaceful sound of a river. The joy of nature. It also teaches you about letting go of your need to know more.

Now I'm all for knowledge. I love to read, research, and study. I have three degrees and I secretly want another one. I have a list of books that I want to read which will take me a year to get through.

I like having answers. And I'm sure you do, too. But...

Did you know that 5,593 books have been published today? While I was looking up these statistics on Worldometers, 20 additional books were published (and I was only on the site for a few minutes). And if that isn't crazy enough, today 400,000,000 newspapers have been circulated; there have been 2,800,000,000 Google searches; and 2,553,000 blog posts (add one more once I hit "publish"). This is just so far today. And there are still several hours of today left in my timezone!

We are a knowledge hungry world. What are we searching for?

Challenge yourself with this question: "Why do I need to know so much?" Ponder upon that question for a while. And don't Google the answer. 

Can you let go of needing to know?

Take a day off from needing to know. Take a day off from having to have answers—any answers. Let go of knowing. Embrace the wonder of not knowing. You'll be surprised that life will feel simpler...easier to understand...less to worry about...less to consume you.  

Go for a walk.

Find a river.

Watch the waters rush by.

You will suddenly know everything there is to be known.

Thanks, Winnie the Pooh.