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Failure Fiesta: Checking In (Still Not Fatal, Promise!)

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Failure Fiesta: Checking In (Still Not Fatal, Promise) (audio) Brenton Weathers

Hey there, lover of failure!

Remember that time we talked about failure being less of a horror movie monster and more of a confetti-filled learning fiesta? (In case you don’t remember everything that I write, here’s the link to the blog: Failure Blog)

It's been a couple of months, so buckle up it’s time for a quick check-in.

How's that "failure-as-feedback" mindset treating you?

Still rolling with the punches, or have the gutter balls got you feeling deflated?

Remember, even the smoothest moves take practice (and sometimes a hilarious faceplant).

Think back to your biggest recent "thud." Did you dust yourself off, analyze the wonky throw, and maybe even learn a killer curveball? Or did you get stuck in the pity party, convinced that your proverbial “bowling days" were over?

Here's the thing: failure isn't a permanent resident. It's a fleeting visitor, an out of town guest, here to offer its wisdom (even if it comes carrying a less-than-stylish suitcase full of stinky fish).

So, the next time the “failure guest" shows up, don't offer it an air mattress on the back porch – let it stay inside, hand it a microphone, and let it sing its feedback song to you.

You might be surprised by the catchy tune it has to offer. (Your failure, I’m coming to teach you, a wonderful lesson…la,la,la,la,la,la,da)

And hey, if you're still stuck in the gutter, no worries! We've all been there, performing the epic shuffle of self-doubt. But remember, even the most graceful dancers started off with wobbly steps.

So, crank up the music, laugh at your own moves, and keep grooving. This is your comeback story, and it's gonna be epic, gutter balls and all.

So, are you ready to turn your failures into fabulous learning opportunities?

Let's get this fiesta rolling! I’ll bring the confetti and a piñata full of helpful tips.

Now go forth and fail fabulously, my friend! It means you’re trying something new. The Universe and your personal cheerleader (me) are waiting for your grand finale. 🥳

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