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Chomp, Chomp, Go! Conquering Your To-Do List with the “Eat That Frog Method”

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Chomp, Chomp, Go! Conquering Your To-Do List with the Eat That Frog Method (audio) Brenton Weathers

Mark Twain, the master of wit and metaphors, once said, "If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And if it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first."

This isn’t about amphibian cuisine, though. It's about tackling your toughest tasks first thing, when your willpower is fresh and your mind is a laser beam.

So, why does the “Eat That Frog Method” work?

It slays the procrastination beast: We all know the feeling of pushing that dreaded task further and further down the list. But when you eat the frog first, you nip procrastination in the bud before it turns into an ugly swamp monster.

It boosts your productivity mojo: Conquering your toughest task early on sets the tone for the day. You're like a productivity ninja, slicing through your to-do list with newfound confidence.

Reduces stress and brain fog: No more staring at your list in overwhelm. You know exactly what needs to be done, and you're doing it! This clarity calms your mind and frees up space for better thinking.

But how do you actually "eat that frog"?

Here are a few crucial components:

  • Identify your frog: Be honest. What task makes you want to hide under the covers? That's your frog.

  • Schedule frog time: Block out a chunk of your morning (ideally, when you're at peak focus) to conquer the frog.

  • Silence the distractions: Put your phone on silent, close unnecessary tabs, and tell your coworkers you're on a frog-eating mission.

  • Just do it: Dive into your frog with laser focus. No checking emails, no social media breaks – just pure, unadulterated frog-chomping.

  • Celebrate your victory: Once you've swallowed that frog whole, pat yourself on the back! You've just taken a huge bite out of your to-do list.

The “Eat That Frog Method” isn't about torture (unless you're into that kind of thing). It's about tackling your toughest tasks first in order to unlock more productivity and a stress-free day.

I’ll be heading out for a run first thing in the morning to conquer my frog — long before the sun gets up. It will be dark and cold (well, cold for Charlotte, NC anyway).

So, what’s your frog?

If you want to learn more about “frog eating,” I highly recommend the book, “Eat That Frog” by Brian Tracy.

Grab your metaphorical fork and go frog-hunting! You might just surprise yourself with what you can accomplish.🙂

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