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Carolina Blue Bliss: A Moment Of Harmony In Winter's Embrace

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Carolina Blue Bliss (audio) Brenton Weathers

Ah, the Carolinas!

Today, they're living up to their name, painted in that iconic "Carolina Blue" that stretches across the sky, not a cloud daring to intrude.

It's a stark contrast to that February, a few years back, where the rain seemed to have a permanent lease on the sky. Buying a “DIY Noah's Ark Kit” was the only reasonable thing to do in response to the floods of rain. Oh, the memories of wet shoes, soggy socks, and endless puddles!

Don't get me wrong, I do love the rain, the crisp chill of cooler months, and the occasional snow we get here in Charlotte.

But this unexpected spring-like day? It's a nice gift. And today, I’ll take it.

My office window is open to let in the cool morning air. Sunlight streams in too, warming my skin as it carries the cheerful chirps of birdsongs.

In this moment, nature's harmony is palpable. Seasons dance, months waltz by, and days are like brushstrokes on a canvas. "Picture a bright blue ball just spinning, spinning free. Dizzy with eternity." sing the Grateful Dead. I'm reminded of the grand picture, the interconnectedness of it all.

Wherever you are on this spinning blue ball today take a pause, my friend.

Breathe deeply.

Feel the sun (even if for you it is obscured by clouds).

Hear the wind (soft or boisterous).

Listen to the animals or people (making their various sounds).

Take in your surroundings, be present to the symphony of the moment. Thank the Universe for the incredible journey you're on, for the world that encompasses you. This world, with all its complexities, holds moments of pure, unadulterated beauty.

Today, let's savor the bliss together.

And remember to be grateful for every spin of this grand, blue ball we call home.

Enjoy! 🙂

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