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Blue Monday Blues Got You Down? Try These Mood-Boosting Hacks Instead of Booking a Cruise!

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Blue Monday Blues Got You Down? Try These Mood-Boosting Hacks Instead of Booking a Cruise (audio) Brenton Weathers

Raise your hand if you totally missed "Blue Monday" yesterday. (Don't worry, I was blissfully unaware too!) Apparently, January 15th was officially the most depressing day of the year, according to some questionable non-scientific studies, calculations, and a whole lot of marketing. Gloomy weather, post-holiday blues, broken resolutions – the whole winter weather cocktail of woe, supposedly hitting its peak like a smoothie made with rotten fruit.

But here's the thing: I didn't feel any bluer than usual. And neither did you, probably.

This whole "Blue Monday" thing? It really turns out (according to my quick Google research) to be just a clever PR stunt, recycled each year to sell us Caribbean cruises, spray tans, and overpriced snorkels. (Seriously, who buys snorkels in January?)

Sure, winter in the Northern Hemisphere can be unpleasant — very unpleasant currently. Some would readily admit that describing the weather as "unpleasant" is like calling the Grand Canyon a ditch. But before you drown your sorrows in SPF 50 and book a one-way ticket to paradise (that you can't really afford), try these little hacks to beat the winter blues:

1. Stop, Drop, and Breathe: Remember that fire safety drill “Stop, Drop, and Roll”? Apply it to your emotions. Stop what you're doing, find a comfy spot, and take some deep, slow breaths. It's like a mini-reboot for your stress-fried brain.

2. Vitamin D to the Rescue: Sunlight is nature's happy pill. So even if it's gray outside there’s still enough sun (usually) during the day to give you the boost you need. You can always try buying one of the “sunshine lamps” but you get bonus points if you can get outside for a walk (fresh air helps, too!). Also, vitamin D supplements and getting your D from foods are good options as well.

3. Move It or Lose It: Exercise is a magic potion for your mood. A brisk walk, some dance moves in your living room, even jumping jacks – anything that gets your blood pumping will help chase those blues away.

And while you're at it, ditch the self-pity party and focus on the good stuff. Maybe you didn't crush all of your resolutions already, but you made it to mid-January in one piece (and hey that's something!). Maybe the weather really sucks, but you have a cozy blanket and some hot cocoa.

Remember, happiness is a choice, not a price tag. So skip the cruise perusing, the snorkel shopping, and leave the spray-on tan in the can. Do something kind for yourself instead. You'll be glad you did – and you might just make every day a "Happy Day,” even in the dead of winter. 🙂

P.S. If you're truly feeling overwhelmed and depressed, remember there's no shame in reaching out for help. Talk to a friend, a family member, a therapist, or me (my contact info is on the website). You're not alone in this winter wonderland.

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