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Authenticity And Being Liked

When we talk about “authenticity” we are referring to the ability to be, act, and speak as one is naturally, honestly, and easily.

“Being liked” refers to how other people see you and respond to who you are, how you act, and what you say.

We all struggle (some people more so than others) to share and showcase our authentic selves. Why do we struggle? There are many reasons for sure. I know why I struggle with it at times.

I struggle with sharing my authentic self because I am worried whether or not people will like me as I am. Perhaps this is how you feel too?

We sometimes fool ourselves by thinking (and saying), “I don’t care what others think of me!” You are human, you do care. How you let the opinions of others affect you is really what the issue is.

To say that we do not want to be liked is to lie to ourselves. To say that it's enough if we just love ourselves is also not true. We all want to be loved by others. This is part of being human.

Being fully authentic has not been easy for me. I think in large part due to an assumption that will not be liked if I am authentic. So then what option is there? Be inauthentic and hope that by presenting a false self, that this gets someone to like me? This is fake and manipulative.

This is exactly what happens when you are “trying to be liked.” You are trying and therefore, by definition, not being authentic.

Our struggle in this area comes down to our emotional attachment to ourselves. We like ourselves (at least I hope that you like yourself) and we want others to like us, too.

Yes, to show up as your true self may very well repel some people from you. You may get “unfriended.” That’s ok. Do it anyway. Authenticity is like a magnet. It forces some people away from you, and pulls others toward you.

Be, act, and speak as you are naturally, honestly, and easily. Your authenticity will attract plenty of “likes.”

P.S. And please like my page, because that will just make me feel better