The Power of the Pause

Sometimes, the best way to get clear on how you feel about something is to step away from it for a bit.

That could be a project, a goal, or even a relationship.

I recently did this with my writing and blogging and it's been incredibly clarifying.

While I love sharing thoughts and ideas, there are times when the pressure I put on myself to produce content overshadows the pure joy of it.

That's when it's time for a reset.

Taking a short break allowed me to see how much I truly enjoy writing. It confirmed the reasons I started doing this in the first place. That "pause" made returning to the keyboard yesterday all the sweeter.

So, if you're feeling a little muddled about something in your life, try a deliberate mini-break.

You might be amazed at the clarity it brings you! 🙂

The Art of Deception: How a Fake Tank Battalion Helped Win WWII (and Why Your Friend Might Be Wrong)

You’ve heard the saying "seeing is believing,” right?

During World War II, the US military perfected the art of making the Germans believe things that weren't even there.

Enter the "Ghost Army," a ragtag group of artists, designers, and other creative minds who fooled the Nazis with nothing more than smoke, mirrors, and a whole lot of imagination.

These guys weren't exactly wielding bazookas. Their weapons were inflatable tanks, cleverly placed speakers pumping out the sounds of a rumbling army, and the sheer audacity to believe that they could pull it off.

And guess what? They did. They'd roll into a town under the cover of night, inflate their rubber arsenal, and have the Germans convinced a whole armored division was rolling through. Talk about psychological warfare!

One US soldier even recalled villagers swearing they saw tanks the night before. Such is the power of suggestion!

It's a reminder that sometimes, our brains play tricks on us. We see what we expect to see, hear what we fear to hear.

This whole Ghost Army thing got me thinking about how easily we can be fooled in our everyday lives.

Like that friend who tries to scare you away from your dreams with tales of their uncle's neighbor’s girlfriend’s failed business venture.

“Yeah, I heard from my uncle several years ago that he had a neighbor who had a girlfriend and she tried to start her own hair salon business and it failed. And they broke up, I think. So you’ll probably fail, too. And ruin your love life. And I’m telling you this to protect you!” (seriously, who even knows anything about their uncle's neighbor’s girlfriend anyway?).

Don't let someone else's limited experience dictate your expansive future.

The Ghost Army bamboozled the Germans with a little creativity. We, on the other hand, need a healthy dose of skepticism when it comes to the voices in our ears.

Not every whisper is a wise one. Please, for the love of all things decent, don’t take financial advice from your broke-ass friend or entrepreneurial advice from your corporate-loving sister.

So, the next time someone tries to rain on your parade with worst-case scenarios, remember the inflatable tank battalion.

If they could help win a war with smoke and mirrors, you can definitely conquer your goals with a little imagination and a lot of determination.

Just keep your eyes peeled, not for fake tanks, but for the real opportunities out there. 🙂

(Here’s an article from NPR about the Ghost Army: ARTICLE)

Are You (Still) Choosing To Be Miserable?

Remember when we chatted about misery being a choice? No? (go here: Are You Choosing To Be Miserable?)

Turns out, some people are very loyal customers of “Misery-Mart.”

Are you always checking their website? Looking for “miserable deals?” Telling friends, family, and co-workers about all of the “miserable crap” you picked up recently?

Putting up with the same old, same old? The job (and boss) from hell? The soul-sucking relationship? The pile of "to-do" notes that whisper sweet nothings of guilt in your sleep?

Yep. That stuff.

Look, I get it. Change is scary. Misery is, at least, predictable.

But hey, isn't it time for an upgrade?

Maybe try switching stores? Could you give “Opportunity-Mart” a try? There are fantastic items available there if you’d just take a look.

You never know what you might find when you start looking for opportunities and being open to new, exciting, and less miserable, stuff for your life. 🙂

Happiness: More Than Just a Good Laugh

We're often told the secret to happiness is a good laugh, a dose of silliness, or just more playtime. And while all of those bring their spark to life, sometimes what we crave is something a bit quieter, something deeper.

Think of a calm ocean at sunrise, the colors spreading across the sky, reflected beautifully in the still water. That quiet, breathtaking beauty can mirror the feeling of joy and happiness as an internal peace.

Now, let's be clear – laughter and joy aren't enemies! They absolutely coexist. However, it's easy to feel disheartened when the world feels heavy, or your own burdens seem overwhelming, and that belly laugh seems out of reach.

So, what cultivates that deeper joy, that sense of peace?

  • Gratitude: Taking moments to appreciate what we have, rather than focusing on what's missing, rewires our perspective towards contentment.

  • Mindfulness: Noticing our thoughts and feelings without judgment. This brings acceptance, grounding us in the present rather than battles of the past or worries about the future.

  • Purpose: Having something that gives our lives meaning, whether it's work, family, or a passion project. Purpose brings a sense of direction that can anchor us in joy.

  • Connection: Building fulfilling relationships with others. This connection could be as simple as truly listening to a loved one, or engaging in our communities.

Internal peace doesn't mean your life is suddenly free of problems. What it does offer is a sense of calm within the storm. It's knowing that even amidst chaos or sadness, there's a space within you untouched by that turbulence.

Think back to the ocean sunrise. There may be waves, maybe even distant storm clouds, but the vast beauty of the scene doesn't depend on them vanishing. Our internal joy can be the same – quiet, steady, and unshakeable, even as the waves of life come and go.

Happiness, it’s more than just a good laugh. 🙂

Life's a Costume Party: Designing the "You" You Want to Be

Ever feel like you're the star of your own personal sitcom, and the writers just love throwing awkward plot twists your way? What if you could turn those cringeworthy moments into your own stand-up comedy costume party special? Part “The Masked Singer” part “Whose Line Is It Anyway?”

Picture this:

You're invited to the most epic costume party ever, and the theme is to improvise and become "Who You Want to Be." No limits – you could be a world-saving superhero, a calming Zen Buddhist Master or a majestic, glitter-covered unicorn.

It's the same with real life – every moment gives you the chance to craft who you are and who you want to become.

We've all met those people stuck forever in “The Grumpy Old Troll” costume, blaming the world for their woes. They whine and complain about bad food, horrible bosses, and anything else that gets in their way. This costume is a lousy choice. It is ill-fitting and no one is going to give you their vote for “Best Costume.”

The good news is that you have the power to change your outfit. Think of it like this: life is your costume party, and you get to be the head designer.

Ditch “The Grumpy Old Troll” suit and imagine yourself as the master of your emotions. Would you waste energy freaking out about spilled coffee or that annoying coworker with the passive-aggressive emails? Nope! You'd be rocking your "Zen Buddhist Master" outfit, sipping tea and radiating serenity.

Don't waste time wearing the beige sweatpants of boredom. Embrace the glittery jumpsuit of “The Sparkly Unicorn.” And don’t be the one who ruins days, be “The Day-Saving Superhero” who wears a vibrant cape of laughter!

Choose reactions that make you light up – giggle at your own clumsy moments, offer a genuine compliment, or find ridiculous absurdity in awkward encounters. Life's too short (and too important) to be “The Grumpy Old Troll” forever. Be the dazzling headliner of this crazy costume party, and show the world the brilliant, vibrant version of you.

So shine bright, embrace the absurd, and design a "you" that sparks joy every single day in your own special way. 🙂



Mind adrift, a hazy maze,

Direction lost within the daze.

Sharpen now, let thoughts take flight,

Unlock the clarity, find your guiding light.

Simple steps, a mindful grace,

Transform the chaos, find your space.

Secrets wait, let wisdom flow,

Conviction grows, where will you go?

Big Decisions? Breathe Easy with Mindful Choices

We've all been there, haven’t we? That moment when a fork in the road transforms into a 12-lane super highway, and you're just standing there with cars whizzing past. Buying a house, changing careers, getting married (or unmarried) – these are the "whoa" moments that can feel overwhelming.

While there's no magical shortcut to the perfect choice, being mindful can make the ride way smoother.

Here a few steps to guide your decision-making process:

1. Slow Your Soul

Hitting the pause button is essential! When we're stressed, our decision-making skills can go off the rails. Take some deep breaths, go for a walk, whatever works to help you take a step back from the immediate panic.

2. Know Your Why

Why does this decision matter to you? Get real with your values. Is it security, freedom, growth? Once you identify your "why," your heart can help guide your head.

3. Get All the Info

Knowledge is your friend! Do your research, compare options, and don't be afraid to ask the experts. Think of this as fueling your adventure – a full tank of information makes the journey a lot less bumpy

4. Talk it Out

Trusted friends or family can act like superpowers, offering a different perspective or just a listening ear. Sometimes saying your thoughts out loud makes them way clearer than when they are just rattling around in your own head.

5. Trust Your Gut

All that data is awesome, but don't discount your intuition. If something feels "off," even if you can't explain it perfectly, dig a little deeper. Your inner compass is often surprisingly savvy.

Big decisions don't have to be scary. By slowing down, getting clear on your values, and tapping into your smarts and your intuition, you can make more mindful choices. 🙂